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Compiled by this website: Vilsek announces USDA economic stimulus bonds

Compiled by this website: Vilsek announced the USDA’s economic stimulus bonds VILSACK ANNOUNCES FIRST WAVE OF USDA ECONOMIC STIMULUS FUNDINGHighlights efforts to stimulate economy,…

Compiled by this website: Vilsek announced the USDA’s economic stimulus bonds

Highlights efforts to stimulate economy, create jobs and assist rural communities

WASHINGTON, March 9, 2019 – Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today announced USDA will be delivering its first actions implementing the $28 billion provided in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2019 (Recovery Act).
“President Obama extraordinarily responded to a crisis unlike any since the Great Depression and his efforts and that of the USDA will have a significant impact not only in rural communities but in communities across the country struggling with today’s tough economic times,” said Vilsack. “Implementation of programs in the act will help stimulate local economies, create jobs as well as protect and restore the environment.”
Funding will help rebuild and revitalize rural communities as well as help stimulate local economies and create jobs throughout the country. Specifically;
The Farm Service Agency (FSA) will use immediately $145 million of the $173 million provided in the Recovery Act for its Direct Operating Farm Loan Program, which will give 2,042 farmers – almost 50% are beginning farmers and 10% are socially disadvantaged producers – direct loans from the agency. These loans will be used to purchase items such as farm equipment, feed, seed, fuel and other operating expenses and will stimulate rural economies by providing American farmers funds to operate. Currently, farmers are struggling with the high costs of running family farms, seriously affecting beginning and socially disadvantaged producers.
USDA Rural Development Agency will initially provide nearly 10,000 rural families with $14.9 million ($1.17 billion in loan guarantees) for homeownership financing, creating or saving more than 5,000 jobs.
USDA Rural Development will also release funding for more than $400 million in pending applications for Water and Waste grants and $140 million in pending applications for Water and Waste Direct Loans. Rural Development expects nearly 13,000 jobs will be created by 400 water and wastewater projects.
The Forest Service has released almost $100 million of the $1.15 billion for projects in the Recovery Act. The stimulus funding will be used for hazardous fuels reduction, forest health protection, rehabilitation and hazard mitigation activities on federal, state and private lands. Over 1,500 jobs will be created through shovel ready projects that will be released this week for urban youth and individuals involved in urban forestry, restoration projects fire prevention, roads, bridges, buildings and recreation facilities.
The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) will release up to $145 million provided in the Recovery Act to restore frequently flooded land to its natural state; create jobs in rural communities nationwide when landowners establish these floodplain easements; as well as restore and protect an estimated 60,000 acres of flood-prone lands nationwide through the floodplain easement component of its Emergency Watershed Protection Program. Signups for the easements will be held from March 9 – March 27 nationwide.
NRCS will release $80 million of the $145 million for watershed projects this week. Through the Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Operations Program funded projects will improve fish and wildlife habitat and create or restore wetlands.
&S226;NRCS also will release $50 million this week for rehabilitating aging watershed structures to protect lives and property and public infrastructure. Over 2,100 jobs directly related NRCS Recovery Act funding are estimated in the engineering and biological fields, additional specialized equipment operators, construction crews and many other diversified skilled laborers.
The Recovery Act provides a 13.6 percent increase in the monthly Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefit for recipients, or roughly $80 per family per month. The SNAP program currently serves over 31 million people each month and the influx of funding will not only help those struggling during these tough economic times but stimulate local economies. It’s estimated that for every five dollars spent through SNAP, $9.20 of local economic activity is generated. This benefit increase will begin to be provided to recipients on April 1, 2019. In addition, ARRA provides nearly $300 million to help states administer SNAP. The first $145 million will be released this month to assist States in responding to increased need.
An additional $5 million in funding is provided for the Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR) for facility improvements and equipment upgrades. This is in addition to the over $114 million we will spend on food distribution on Indian reservations this year.The registration period is from March 9th to March 27th.
&S226; NRCS will allocate $80 million of the $145 million it received from the Recovery Act this week. Projects funded through the Protected Waters Protection and Flood Control Program will improve fish and wildlife habitat and rebuild or restore wetlands.
NRCS will also allocate $50 million this week to restore the aging watershed environment to protect life, property, and public infrastructure. NRCS Recovery Act funding will directly create more than 2,100 jobs, including in engineering and biological fields, and will also add specialized equipment operators, construction workforces and a diverse and skilled workforce.
The Recovery Act provides a 13.6% increase in the rate of monthly Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) recipients, or about $80 per family per month. It is currently estimated that more than 310,000 people will benefit from this benefit each month, and this funding will not only help those struggling during the financial crisis, but also stimulate local economies. It is estimated that for every $5 spent on SNAP, $9.20 is generated in the local economy. This additional benefit will be available to recipients starting April 1, 2019. In addition, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) provides nearly $300 million to help states administer the SNAP program. A total of US$145 million will be announced early this month to help states cope with the possibility of increased demand.
An additional $5 million in funding is allocated for facility improvements and equipment upgrades for the Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR). This is in addition to the $114 million we allocate for food distribution on Indian reservations. This program provides an important service. Native and tribal lands are often remote, with few grocery stores and limited services. It provides groceries and food to low-income families, including the elderly, Native people living on Indian reservations, and Native Americans living adjacent to Indian reservations and in Oklahoma. Currently, approximately 243 tribes receive assistance under the Indian Reservation Food Distribution Program through 98 ITOs and five state agencies.
In addition, the Recovery Act provides more funding for emergency food assistance programs. Through this program, USDA provides commodity and administrative funds to state governments, which are then further distributed to local organizations in need, including grain reserve bureaus, food pantries and soup kitchens. A $25 million fund will be used to carry out administrative functions and will be distributed in installments early this month.
President Obama signed the U.S. Economic Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2019 (Recovery Act) on February 17, 2019, implementing it as law. Its purpose is to boost the country’s economy, create or save millions of jobs, and invest in addressing long-neglected potential threats so that our country can develop steadily in the 21st century. The law includes measures to modernize the nation’s infrastructure, increase energy independence, expand educational opportunities, protect and improve health care, expand tax breaks, and protect industries in need of support. Additional USDA projects and funding will be announced at a later date.
To learn more about USDA’s implementation of the Recovery Act, please visit To learn more about the U.S. government’s policies to stimulate the economy, please visit



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