Clothing Manufacturer_Clothing Factory clothing manufacturers News Xiangfan’s textile industry’s production and sales exceeded 10 billion, ranking first in Hubei for three consecutive years

Xiangfan’s textile industry’s production and sales exceeded 10 billion, ranking first in Hubei for three consecutive years

The output and sales of Xiangfan’s textile industry exceeded 10 billion, ranking first in Hubei for three consecutive years Xiangfan City has introduced 18 hard measures to p…

The output and sales of Xiangfan’s textile industry exceeded 10 billion, ranking first in Hubei for three consecutive years

Xiangfan City has introduced 18 hard measures to promote the upgrading of the textile industry to promote textile enterprises to successfully break through the “siege” of the financial crisis. Last year, the city’s textile industry’s total output value and sales revenue both exceeded 10 billion yuan, and production and sales ranked first in the province’s textile industry for three consecutive years. This year, 97% of the city’s textile enterprises have successfully started operations, with both production and sales booming.

In response to the financial crisis, the measures taken by Xiangfan City include providing interest discounts of 1.5% to 3% of the investment amount to technological transformation enterprises; using awards instead of subsidies to encourage enterprises to introduce advanced equipment; and increasing the government reward by one dollar for every US$1 of exports earned. times. Financial institutions that lend to textile companies will be rewarded at 1% of the new loan amount to alleviate the company’s capital shortage.

Policy incentives have mobilized the enthusiasm of enterprises to promote product upgrading through technological transformation. Last year, the city invested a total of 671 million yuan in technical renovation funds for 34 projects with an investment of over 10 million yuan. By the end of March this year, 20 projects had been completed and put into production. After the technological transformation, the city has developed more than 10 series of new products such as high-end new yarn products, high-count and high-density clothing fabrics and home textile fabrics, and has quickly seized the domestic market. The city also implements a “zero defect” quality system to create famous brand products. Jihua 3542 Company’s “Fulong” brand high count and high density pure cotton gray fabric and “Fulong” brand combed yarn were rated as China’s famous brand products . Fancheng District, which has a dense textile industry, was named “China’s Famous Weaving City” by the China Textile Industry Association.

In response to the current shortcomings in clothing, printing and dyeing in the textile industry chain, Xiangfan City has introduced 11 clothing processing, printing and dyeing companies. Well-known domestic brand companies such as Yali Company, Jeanswest, and Apple have settled in Xiangfan, investing more than 600 million yuan. . The city has basically formed a complete industrial chain from spinning, weaving, printing and dyeing, and garment industries.



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