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What are the ingredients and processes of flame retardant fabrics?

What are the ingredients and processes of flame retardant fabrics? Tag: flame retardant fabric According to reports, among fire accidents in urban and rural areas, fires caused by …

What are the ingredients and processes of flame retardant fabrics?


flame retardant fabric

According to reports, among fire accidents in urban and rural areas, fires caused by burning textiles can account for more than 40% of the total accidents, and the death toll can account for about 61%. Therefore, some developed countries formulated relevant laws and regulations on the flame retardancy of decorative fabrics and home textiles as early as the 1960s. However, there are no clear requirements for the flame retardancy of decorative fabrics in our country. Therefore, increasing the flame retardant function of decorative fabrics and home textile products can not only effectively reduce the incidence of fire accidents, but also increase the added value of the product and participate in international compete. What are the ingredients and processes of flame retardant fabrics? Generally, fibers with a higher limiting oxygen index are used to make flame-retardant fabrics, such as polytetrafluoroethylene. Or ordinary fabrics have been flame-retardant finished, or the fabrics are directly made of flame-retardant silk. Flame retardant fabrics can be obtained through these three ways. Any fabric can be flame retardant pre-treated according to customer requirements. However, chemical fibers are more dangerous when caught on fire (they will adhere to the skin, cause burns, and release toxic gases), so it makes more sense to apply flame retardant treatment to chemical fibers. Flame-retardant fabrics are widely used in soft-packed high-end projects, such as cars and trains, as well as hotels, cinemas and other public facilities we can think of. These protective measures will be required, as well as private sofa seat covers. European countries have begun to pay attention to this issue, so flame retardant fabrics are widely used in our lives.



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