Clothing Manufacturer_Clothing Factory clothing manufacturers News Jiangxi: 2.25 million yuan to support textile companies “going global”

Jiangxi: 2.25 million yuan to support textile companies “going global”

Jiangxi: 2.25 million yuan to support textile companies “going global” On April 8, reporters learned from the Jiangxi Provincial Department of Finance that Jiangxi had recently all…

Jiangxi: 2.25 million yuan to support textile companies “going global”

On April 8, reporters learned from the Jiangxi Provincial Department of Finance that Jiangxi had recently allocated 2.25 million yuan in special funds for enterprises to “go global” to help clothing companies set up their own brand product stores abroad and establish textile and clothing after-sales services. Network and warehousing and logistics centers encourage textile companies to “go global”.

It is understood that textiles have always been a major category of products exported by Jiangxi. However, affected by the international financial crisis, textile enterprises in Jiangxi Province have been greatly impacted. In order to promote the textile industry to transform its foreign trade growth model and achieve diversification of origins. Jiangxi has allocated special funds to support enterprises in “going global”. According to reports, the 2.25 million yuan allocated this time is mainly used to support textile companies in setting up textile and clothing marketing networks overseas and organizing overseas development research. Specifically:

●Textile and garment enterprises set up an organizational system for product sales or service provision composed of more than 3 overseas enterprises in 2 or more countries or regions. The rent and decoration of the stores selling private brand products set up by the enterprise shall be based on actual occurrences. 50% of the cost will be funded, with the total amount not exceeding 150,000 yuan;

●Support the establishment of overseas textile and apparel after-sales clothing networks and warehousing and logistics centers, and subsidize 50% of the actual costs incurred for the rent of warehouses and office buildings rented by enterprises overseas, as well as local transportation fees. The software development or purchase costs of after-sales service network information management systems established by enterprises overseas will be subsidized at 50% of the actual costs incurred, and the total funding for the two costs shall not exceed 200,000 yuan;

●Textile enterprises engaged in R&D work overseas will be supported for the rental of venues for overseas Chinese-funded textile enterprises engaged in R&D activities, the hiring of high-end clothing fabric designers, and the purchase of relevant materials. The total amount will be subsidized at 50% of the actual expenses incurred. No more than RMB 200,000;

It is also reported that overseas projects supported by this special fund must meet relevant conditions: enterprises must obtain the “Certificate of Approval for Overseas Investment of Chinese Enterprises” promulgated by the national commerce department, be legally registered abroad, and have written confirmation documents from business institutions stationed abroad. You will need to wait for relevant supporting documents to be eligible to apply. At the same time, project units are not allowed to defraud, withhold or misappropriate special funds in any form. For those who violate the regulations, the special funds will be recovered in full and dealt with in accordance with the law.



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