Clothing Manufacturer_Clothing Factory clothing manufacturers News Shaoxing textile industry frontline report under crisis: March picks up, May becomes a mystery

Shaoxing textile industry frontline report under crisis: March picks up, May becomes a mystery

Shaoxing textile industry frontline report under crisis: March picks up but May remains a mystery “There are fewer outsiders coming to our place now, and the business is not …

Shaoxing textile industry frontline report under crisis: March picks up but May remains a mystery

“There are fewer outsiders coming to our place now, and the business is not as good as last year.” Master Xu, who has been driving a taxi in Keqiao, Shaoxing for five years, said that the start of this year is slow. The income of 1,400 and 50 yuan a day is not as good as in the off-season of previous years. “Generally speaking, you can still earn 200 yuan a day.” In early March, he anxiously awaited the arrival of this year’s market crowds.

Like Master Xu, most people in this city will talk to you about China Textile City enthusiastically but cautiously. This Asia’s largest textile trading market affects the livelihood of more than 80% of the people in the county. “I just want to know, in anticipation, will it gradually get better or worse?” His doubts are undoubtedly shared by more people.

The reporter went to Keqiao, Shaoxing three times at the end of February, early March and early April to dynamically track the development of market operators and upstream and downstream textile enterprises.

How dangerous is it? What’s the machine size? Shaoxing textile industry under the financial crisis, report again from the front line.

Their February and March

Compared with her Wenzhou relatives who also operate in Keqiao Union Market, Ji Lihua is undoubtedly the lucky one.

Adjusted the sales layout as early as possible, so that the proportion of domestic sales accounts for 80%, and most of them are supplied to the domestic secondary wholesale market; we studied the popularity of Hong Kong, Guangdong and other places early and prepared printing samples. The adjustment in advance has allowed her Yuehua Textile to enter the good market after the new year ahead of schedule. “From the eighth day of the Lunar New Year to mid-March, we have been relatively busy, and the order situation is even better than in previous years.”

Her sister’s company did not have such luck. Sales throughout February were around 300,000, “and the previous order amount was also 500,000 to 600,000.”

Equally anxious is Lin Yu, the proprietress of Shengfengyuan Textile. “Orders dropped sharply,” she said. In February last year, she was so busy that she had no time to take orders. Now, in the company’s office building in Keqiao Boutique Plaza, there are only three or two people on the third floor checking computers and making a few calls from time to time. “We mainly do business in the Middle East and Russia. The market situation is not good. Now we hope to recover the previous balance as much as possible and reduce some losses.”

In January, Lin Yuxin took an order from Russia. , 500,000 goods. “The other party paid a 30% deposit, but when the goods came out, I could no longer be contacted. They left a deposit of hundreds of thousands and disappeared.” The instability of the international market once made Lin Yu a little disappointed, and the payment was slow. The increase in procedures and other related costs made her feel that even an extra tax refund would be a drop in the bucket. By March, the situation improved. “The number of customers coming to see the goods is gradually increasing, and there are some good orders. The adjustment has increased the share of the domestic market.”

News from upstream dyeing, finishing and processing companies also confirms the success of Shaoxing Textile in the spring of 2009. Warm start.

Wu Liming, general manager of Shaoxing County Chaochao Dyeing and Finishing Co., Ltd., told the Herald reporter that although this year’s domestic market started slightly worse than in previous years and flourished later, the market is still good. “As far as our company is concerned, the production situation in February was better than the same period last year, and the figures in March were similar to last year.” Ge Jinqi’s Jinsha Company is mainly engaged in textile finishing. He also saw that in March during the economic cold wave, to opportunities in the domestic market and actively maintain the company’s stable production.

Their persistence has also been confirmed by the official. China’s Keqiao Textile Index, which once fell, closed at 967.44 points in February, an increase of 7.2% from the previous period. This was the first increase since the continuous decline in September last year. The general price index has also been on a continuous upward trend since March.

The top priority

During this period, good news related to textiles and Shaoxing came one after another. Some people say that it is these good news that bring good spring scenery.

Feng Jianrong, deputy secretary of the Shaoxing County Party Committee and county magistrate, said at the Shaoxing County Economic Work Conference held in February this year that if the six support measures introduced by the State Council to promote the healthy development of the light textile industry in November last year were “in winter, “A fire”, then on February 4 this year, the textile industry adjustment and revitalization plan reviewed and approved in principle at the State Council executive meeting is “primrose”, “coinciding with the beginning of spring, this heralds the arrival of another spring for the textile industry. It brings us confidence.” He said that Shaoxing should take the lead in recovery.

In fact, from the central government to the province, the concern for textiles and Shaoxing goes beyond that.

On February 26, the textile industry was selected as the first of a series of reports on industrial transformation and upgrading in Zhejiang Province. Five of the eight academicians studying textiles from the Chinese Academy of Engineering came to Shaoxing in person. “The other three were due to old age. It is inconvenient to come due to special reasons such as illness, illness, etc.” Xu Kuangdi, President of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, personally led the team to inspect and implement the measures. Vice Governor Jin Deshui said at the meeting that the textile industry is the top priority for Zhejiang’s industrial development.

Since 2001, Zhejiang’s textile industry hasAsked, Shaoxing’s light textile industry is facing a crisis. The main reason lies in the equipment and technology gap between domestic and foreign enterprises. So starting from 1995, Shaoxing launched a “shuttle-free” revolution. This was a completely reborn revolution in the history of Shaoxing’s textile development. The equipment level of Shaoxing’s textile enterprises suddenly reached The level of developed countries in the mid-1990s.
(5) “Foreign trade” revolution. In 1998, affected by the financial turmoil in Southeast Asia, Shaoxing’s textile industry was hit hard. Shaoxing people, who have been baptized in the market for many times, found the crux of the problem from the comparison of scale: Shaoxing’s textile export rate is too low, only 3%. At that time, the government promptly introduced a series of supporting policies to encourage the expansion of self-operated exports. Enterprises also see huge business opportunities in “improving product quality and entering the international market.” For a time, a “foreign trade” revolution was launched among textile enterprises. From 1998 to 2003, the city’s self-operated exports of textiles grew at an average annual rate of more than 50%. In the sluggish situation of the domestic textile industry, Shaoxing’s textile industry has maintained its vitality and vitality by exploring the international market.

Through the “Five Revolutions”, Shaoxing has become an important textile manufacturing base in China.

Shaoxing Planning

Total target: By 2012, the industrial output value of enterprises above designated size will reach 370 billion yuan, with an average annual growth of more than 11%, accounting for the proportion of national textiles 8% of the total; self-operated exports reached US$16 billion, with an average annual growth rate of more than 20%, accounting for 8% of the national textile share.

Quality goals: By 2012, the sales profit and tax rate will reach 8%; the contribution rate of technology and brands to the textile industry will reach more than 50%, and the added value of products will be greatly improved.

Structural goals: By 2012, the advantages of textile industry clusters will become more obvious, and we will strive to cultivate 5 national-level industrial clusters and strive to create 50 national-level brands; the corporate structure will be more reasonable, and we will strive to have annual sales of more than 1 billion yuan. There are 50 enterprises, including more than 5 enterprises exceeding 5 billion yuan; 30 enterprises have achieved profits and taxes exceeding 100 million yuan.

Innovation goal: strive to cultivate 3 national technology centers and 10 provincial technology centers within five years to create an international textile creative center.

Resource and environment goals: By 2012, the resource utilization efficiency of the textile industry will be significantly improved, waste emissions will be significantly reduced, and energy consumption per unit of industrial added value, energy consumption per unit of major products, and wastewater emissions will all be at domestic levels.



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