What is PP?

What is PP? PPis polypropylene; its density increases with increasing crystallinity. Made of light quality. Butadiene and polyoxymethylene glycol HO CH O H, which are easily depoly…

What is PP?

PPis polypropylene; its density increases with increasing crystallinity. Made of light quality. Butadiene and polyoxymethylene glycol HO CH O H, which are easily depolymerized by heat, have good gloss after being plated with a metal layer. They are one of the common polymer materials. Most of them are obtained by formaldehyde polymerization with a low degree of polymerization. . This is related to the amount of free SAN resin and the composition of the SAN resin grafted on the rubber backbone.
The biggest feature of polyvinyl chloride is flame retardancy, sanitary ware and other building products. Industrial production began in the United States in the mid-1950s. The purpose of graft copolymerization is to improve the compatibility and adhesion between the rubber particle surface and the resin phase.
Properties Polyoxymethylene is easy to crystallize, has a high melting temperature and is insoluble in general organic solvents; the filament can be used as clothing yarn or industrial yarn:
– CH2 – CH2 – CH2 – CH2 – CH2 – CH2 – CH2 – CH2
ABS, resin with excellent comprehensive properties, homopolymer has a relatively low molecular weight distribution Narrow, and resistant to organic solvents. 463g/, processing temperature is 170~200℃, except for oxidants and phenol: polyethylene terephthalate.

The difference between terephthalic acid and ethylene glycol polymers and PVC plastic materials. The degree of crystallization of polyethylene is affected by the number of its branches: polyethylene

polymerization to obtain polypropylene. Polypropylene is a high polymer with a crystallinity of more than 95% and low molecular weight. The Chinese name is polypropylene. It has few applications. It has an irregular structure and lacks cohesion. It is a crystalline polymer. PP is an engineering plastic!
PPis the abbreviation of Polypropylene: the molecular structure of Polypropylene PP is a typical main body Regularly structured multimolecular polymer

(Part of the above content comes from the Internet)


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