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Countermeasures and suggestions to achieve my country’s energy conservation and emission reduction goals

Countermeasures and suggestions to achieve my country’s energy conservation and emission reduction goals In order to achieve the national energy conservation and emission reduction…

Countermeasures and suggestions to achieve my country’s energy conservation and emission reduction goals

In order to achieve the national energy conservation and emission reduction goals, our country should have short-term work priorities and medium- and long-term arrangements, and promote them step by step in stages. We should not only focus on solving outstanding contradictions, but also establish long-term mechanisms to lay the foundation for long-term energy conservation. ; In the short term, the rapid growth in energy demand should be controlled from the source; in the medium and long term, system construction should be accelerated, the economic structure should be adjusted, and energy utilization methods should be optimized.
Fortunately, in June 2007, my country’s “Comprehensive Work Plan for Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction” was released, which clarified the goals, tasks and overall requirements for China to achieve energy conservation and emission reduction in 2010. That is, by 2010, China’s energy consumption per 10,000 yuan of GDP will drop from 1.22 tons of standard coal in 2005 to less than 1 ton of standard coal, a decrease of about 20%; water consumption per unit of industrial added value will decrease by 30%. During the “Eleventh Five-Year Plan” period, China’s total emissions of major pollutants were reduced by 10%. By 2010, sulfur dioxide emissions were reduced from 25.49 million tons in 2005 to 22.95 million tons, and chemical oxygen demand (COD) was reduced from 14.14 million tons. to 12.73 million tons; the sewage treatment rate in cities across the country is no less than 70%, and the comprehensive utilization rate of industrial solid waste reaches more than 60%. The “Plan” proposes to implement a number of demonstration projects for the industrialization of common, key technologies and major technical equipment in key energy-saving and emission-reduction industries and major special projects for the industrialization of high-tech circular economy. In key industries such as steel, non-ferrous metals, coal, electricity, petroleum and petrochemicals, chemicals, building materials, textiles, papermaking, and construction, promote a number of major energy-saving and emission-reduction technologies with great potential and wide applications. Strengthen the promotion of power-saving and fuel-saving agricultural machinery and agricultural product processing equipment, as well as agricultural water-saving, fertilizer-saving, and pesticide-saving technologies. It can be seen that the country has indeed raised energy conservation and emission reduction work to an unprecedented strategic level. In the process of achieving national energy conservation and emission reduction goals, we need to pay clear attention to the following issues.
1. Take the development of circular economy as the starting point and transform the growth mode
Economic methods should be adopted to save energy and reduce emissions. Ultimately, the purpose of energy conservation is to reduce costs for companies and to save money for individuals. If users don’t save money, there is no incentive. Therefore, if an enterprise cannot achieve breakeven or lacks specialized energy-saving technology, the state should provide financial or technical research and development support; if users do not know or are unwilling to purchase certain energy-saving products due to price reasons, the state should disclose information through labels or provide subsidy. At present, we should take the development of circular economy as the starting point, transform the growth mode and consumption model, and promote structural energy conservation. In the traditional development model, the reason why people have to produce a lot, consume a lot and waste a lot is because the greater the flow of production factors, the greater the GDP. If we do not change the idea of ​​pursuing “large flow rate” and do not change the assessment indicators, it will be difficult to change the traditional production method. Circular economy is not simply about reducing material consumption, but about improving resource efficiency, turning harmful things into harmless things, turning useless things into useful things, so as to achieve multiple benefits with one stone. For example, using “waste” emitted from steel production such as coke oven gas and blast furnace gas to produce methanol not only increases energy supply, but also reduces energy consumption and pollutant emissions of steel products. Another example is the collaborative processing of waste in cement production, which can reduce the need to build specialized incineration facilities for toxic and hazardous waste. Another example is remanufacturing. A study on remanufacturing in the United States found that the average energy consumed to make a new starter is more than 11 times that of remanufacturing; the energy consumed to make a new alternator is about 7 times that of remanufacturing. Since the reform and opening up, a large number of equipment introduced in our country need to be replaced one after another; a large number of electronic products, computers, cars, motorcycles, air conditioners, refrigerators, etc. need to be eliminated. The extended producer responsibility system implemented abroad requires my country to recycle exported electronic and electrical products. All of these require us to accelerate the development of the waste material recycling industry. In addition, it is necessary to speed up the replacement of resources by knowledge and information. Knowledge and information are generated in the development of human society, can be shared, and will not be reduced due to use. Industrial production changes from manual operations to mechanization, semi-automation and then to automation. It is a process in which information and technology content are constantly increasing, and it is also a process in which energy consumption per unit product is continuously reduced. Therefore, we must use information and knowledge to replace natural resources, and use the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) to explore effective ways to improve my country’s energy utilization efficiency.
2 Improve policies and measures to guide the adjustment and upgrading of industrial structure
Vigorously developing the tertiary industry will undoubtedly reduce energy consumption per unit of GDP. However, structural adjustment is a slow process that cannot be solved by one department. It should be achieved through institutional arrangements and policy guidance through the efforts of the whole country and concentrated efforts. At present, the focus of improving policies should be on coordination and eliminating policies that are not conducive to upgrading the industrial structure, such as policies and practices that exclude the development of the daily service industry, policies that discriminate against the recycling of waste materials, export tax rebate policies that incentivize over-exploitation in disguise, Low bid winning policy, etc. In energy conservation in industry, buildings and transportation, the focus should be on industrial energy conservation to avoid the blind expansion of heavy and chemical industries, and as a long-term task, not only because of the large energy saving potential, but also to make room for the growth of energy consumption in agriculture and tertiary industries. . Building energy conservation should be promoted from the source of planning and standards. Buildings that do not meet standards are prohibited from entering the market to avoid long-term waste of energy. The importance of eliminating discriminatory policies for the development of the tertiary industry is self-evident: the country must…�, leaving enough resources and space for the development of our future generations.
4 Establish and improve the resource pricing mechanism and the paid use system of property rights
The reason why my country has become a “factory” is closely related to the low prices of land, mineral resources, and labor, and has a lot to do with the lack of internalization of ecological and environmental costs. . Some places are keen to develop energy-intensive industries because prices do not truly reflect resource scarcity, supply and demand, and external costs. Unreasonable prices for energy resources encourage extravagant and wasteful consumption to some extent.
Therefore, it is very urgent to speed up the price reform of resource products and send the correct signal to market participants. For resources currently under high supply pressure (such as oil, iron ore, etc.), we need to increase the potential for supply, including the potential to utilize foreign resources, and the potential for savings is even greater. The potential for developing alternatives through technological innovation is limitless. “Resource constraints” are just an appearance. The essence behind it is “price failure”. The production increase, saving and innovation functions brought by price have not yet been fully exerted. Therefore, it is very important to give full play to the fundamental role of price in energy conservation and consumption reduction and optimal allocation of resources. For long-term transactions of bulk resource products, including power and coal price linkage, iron ore transactions, etc., enterprises should be encouraged to form a stable supply and demand relationship and pricing formula through equity participation, joint ventures, signing of long-term contracts, etc.; for those that cannot or cannot be completely controlled by Some monopolistic and basic resources, such as water resources and land, where the market determines prices, must reflect the interests of all parties, make timely and flexible adjustments, and have high transparency to reduce price distortions.
5 Strengthen coordination between departments and pay attention to resource integration
Energy conservation and emission reduction are negative externalities in economics and require government regulation to solve them. Leaders and managers at all levels must properly handle the relationship between current interests and long-term interests, the relationship between local interests and overall interests, and take into account the coordination of economic and social development and resources and the environment. It is necessary to further transform government functions from economic control to social control. The so-called economic regulation refers to the management of investments, projects, and enterprises, while the social regulation mainly refers to the management of safety, energy consumption, environmental protection, and related technical standards. Strengthen coordination between departments, reduce the mutual offsetting effects of management and policies, and prevent departments from pursuing maximization of interests and the resulting corruption problems. Supervision of environmental pollution should be strengthened to prevent “secondary pollution”. In addition, one-sided understandings such as GDP equals development and heavy chemical industry equals industrialization should be changed, and the assessment of the government’s economic and social development performance should be improved so that the government pays more attention to social and sustainable development goals in addition to GDP indicators.
Strengthen coordination between departments, pay attention to resource integration, and concentrate efforts on major tasks. Strengthen the construction of organizational systems and institutional capabilities, do basic work such as statistics and monitoring, and ensure the implementation of national policies and measures. After the State Council establishes a leading agency for energy conservation and emission reduction, responsible for the coordination, implementation, inspection, evaluation and assessment of cross-departmental and cross-regional tasks, a national-level executive agency should be established as soon as possible to ensure that national policies and measures are implemented. In the medium and long term, there is an urgent need to integrate administrative resources. Strengthening the basic work of energy conservation and emission reduction also includes consolidating statistical work and improving the construction of monitoring networks for key energy-consuming and emitting enterprises and regions


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