Clothing Manufacturer_Clothing Factory clothing manufacturers News Last year’s consumer rights analysis report was released, with complaints about clothing, footwear and hats ranking first

Last year’s consumer rights analysis report was released, with complaints about clothing, footwear and hats ranking first

Last year’s consumer rights analysis report was released, with complaints about clothing, footwear and hats ranking first There were 5,293 complaints about clothing, shoes and hats…

Last year’s consumer rights analysis report was released, with complaints about clothing, footwear and hats ranking first

There were 5,293 complaints about clothing, shoes and hats, ranking first in the complaint list, and complaints about education and training services surged… Yesterday, the Municipal Market Supervision Bureau released the 2019 analysis report on consumer rights protection in our city. The report shows that last year, the city’s market supervision system received a total of 73,138 complaints and reports of various types, an increase of 3,761 cases over 2018, a year-on-year increase of 5.42%, including 44,956 complaints and 28,182 reports. Currently, 72,833 cases have been processed, with a handling rate of 99.6%. , the amount of complaints involved was about 150 million yuan, and economic losses of 38.992 million yuan were saved for consumers.

It is understood that 5,293 complaints were received about clothing and footwear last year, and quality issues accounted for half of the complaints about clothing and footwear. “Clothing, shoes and hats are daily consumer goods, and the number of complaints remains high. The quality of goods is a hot topic, especially the quality of clothing, shoes and hats purchased online. The quality is even more mixed.” The relevant person in charge of the Municipal Market Supervision Bureau said that in the face of consumers’ complaints about clothing, When it comes to quality issues with shoes and hats, merchants always obstruct consumers’ after-sales rights protection on the grounds that they have been used and worn. At the same time, there are also false or irregular product packaging labels.

In 2019, we received 5,000 complaints about automobiles and parts, an increase of 28.8% over 2018. The complaints mainly involved quality issues. “A total of 1,711 complaints were received about automobile quality issues, ranging from complaints about engines, gearboxes, clutches, to body paint, wipers and other spare parts caused by quality problems.” Relevant responsible person of the Municipal Market Supervision Bureau

The person in charge said that with the popularization of various second-hand car trading websites, the phenomenon of second-hand car operators not fulfilling their obligations of true disclosure, tampering with mileage, and concealing the true condition of the vehicle has also led to an increase in the number of car complaints to a certain extent.

The report shows that there were 4,996 complaints about communication products, an increase of 80.69% over 2018. The complaints are mainly about communication products sold online. Merchants fail to deliver goods on time or for a long time, do not provide refunds as agreed, do not match the physical products and online promotions, and cannot receive after-sales guarantees for quality issues. “There were 524 complaints about education and training services, an increase of 51.88% over 2018, mainly involving early childhood education, child care and other early childhood education, and sports and art training such as dance, swimming, musical instruments, etc.” The relevant person in charge of the Municipal Market Supervision Bureau introduced that the content of the complaints was to close the door Most of them are closed down, teachers are changed without permission, and the training effect is ineffective. It is reported that, especially since August last year, a certain culture and art company has suddenly ceased operations. Since the company is a chain training institution, involving Ouhai, Longwan, Ruian and other places, its behavior of not providing training services and not refunding fees has caused many parents to complaint.

In addition, there were 1,107 complaints about cultural and entertainment services, an increase of 65.47%. There were 795 complaints about beauty and hairdressing services, an increase of 38.5% over 2018. The content mainly involves issues such as safety, service quality, price, etc. Such as allergies in beauty salons, injured or damaged skin and hair, failure to achieve the agreed results, free beauty traps, discounts on group purchase consumption, unknown charges, disputes caused by prepaid consumption, etc.


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