Clothing Manufacturer_Clothing Factory clothing manufacturers News Three Saudi government departments will jointly conduct mandatory inspections of imported textiles and clothing

Three Saudi government departments will jointly conduct mandatory inspections of imported textiles and clothing

Three Saudi government departments will jointly conduct mandatory inspections of imported textiles and clothing Saudi media reported that the Saudi Ministry of Commerce and Industr…

Three Saudi government departments will jointly conduct mandatory inspections of imported textiles and clothing

Saudi media reported that the Saudi Ministry of Commerce and Industry, the Bureau of Standards and the General Administration of Customs will conduct mandatory inspections of imported textiles and clothing to ensure that the textiles and clothing entering the Saudi market do not contain carcinogens, radioactive substances and other hazards to human health. and environmental hazards. The testing will be conducted by a professional testing agency certified by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, and a certain testing fee will be charged. The sample testing period shall not exceed 15 days, and the testing fee will be waived after the period. Products that hold a certificate of compliance with Saudi standards issued by a trusted institution in the country of origin will be exempted from inspection.


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