Clothing Manufacturer_Clothing Factory clothing manufacturers News Ankang Hanbin District: Improving the technological level of the sericulture industry and achieving a bumper harvest of silkworm cocoons in spring and summer

Ankang Hanbin District: Improving the technological level of the sericulture industry and achieving a bumper harvest of silkworm cocoons in spring and summer

Ankang Hanbin District: Improve the scientific and technological level of the sericulture industry and achieve a bumper harvest of silkworm cocoons in spring and summer In order to…

Ankang Hanbin District: Improve the scientific and technological level of the sericulture industry and achieve a bumper harvest of silkworm cocoons in spring and summer

In order to further promote the development of the sericulture industry and assist rural revitalization, the Silkworm Tea Fruit Technology Center of Hanbin District, Ankang City, Shaanxi Province has formulated the 2021 Sericulture Industry Transformation and Upgrading Implementation Plan to comprehensively improve the standardization, scale, intensification and modernization of sericulture production.

Add new simple and efficient sericulture technologies such as artificial feed breeding of small silkworms, automatic clustering, multi-batch sericulture, modern silkworm machinery, intelligent co-breeding of small silkworms, etc. Strengthen technology promotion and improve industrial technology level and efficiency. At the same time, we vigorously publicize Hanbin District’s 2021 selenium-rich characteristic industry support policy, follow up and provide guidance, and take practical measures to encourage and support the development of the sericulture industry by sericulture enterprises, park owners, family farms, and large professional households in the district.

Driven by multiple favorable factors, the sericulture industry in Hanbin District has ushered in a good momentum of development. According to statistics, the district issued 7,500 silkworm seeds in the spring and summer of 2021, 220 more silkworm seeds than the same period last year, a year-on-year increase of 3.5%; 367,500 kilograms of cocoons were produced, with an average cocoon yield of 49 kilograms, and the total output value of fresh cocoons was more than 18 million yuan, a year-on-year increase 30%, and the income per kilogram of fresh cocoons increased by 8 to 10 yuan compared with last year. It is expected that the number of autumn silkworm seeds in the region this year will reach more than 6,000, a significant increase compared with the same period last year.



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