Clothing Manufacturer_Clothing Factory clothing manufacturers News Shanshan: The overall growth of cotton is good, and most cotton fields have passed the boll cracking stage.

Shanshan: The overall growth of cotton is good, and most cotton fields have passed the boll cracking stage.

Shanshan: The overall growth of cotton is good, and most cotton fields have passed the boll cracking stage From August 15th to 16th, the Shanshan County Meteorological Bureau organ…

Shanshan: The overall growth of cotton is good, and most cotton fields have passed the boll cracking stage

From August 15th to 16th, the Shanshan County Meteorological Bureau organized agricultural meteorological technicians to conduct field surveys of cotton peach.

The survey results show that the early weather and climate conditions are generally conducive to cotton growth, cotton is generally growing well, and most cotton fields have passed the boll cracking stage. Due to the high plant density in cotton fields and poor chemical control, ventilation and light transmission in cotton fields are poor, which affects the formation of cotton peach. The number of peaches is also less than in previous years. The average number of first-class seedlings is 6.7, which is 0.8 less than previous years. The average number of second-class seedlings is 5.7, which is 0.7 less than previous years. The average number of third-class seedlings is 5.1, which is 0.1 less than previous years. .

Agricultural meteorological technicians suggested strengthening water and fertilizer management in the later period of cotton fields, promptly pruning empty fruit branches and old leaves, removing rotten bolls and ineffective flower buds, improving ventilation and light transmission conditions in cotton fields, concentrating nutrients to preserve peaches, increase boll weight, and produce more high-quality cotton bolls.



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