Clothing Manufacturer_Clothing Factory clothing manufacturers News The XPCC cotton quality work special meeting was held

The XPCC cotton quality work special meeting was held

A special meeting on cotton quality work of the XPCC was held Kong Xinglong emphasized at the Corps’ cotton quality work meeting Improve the system and measures to improve cotton q…

A special meeting on cotton quality work of the XPCC was held

Kong Xinglong emphasized at the Corps’ cotton quality work meeting

Improve the system and measures to improve cotton quality and promote high-quality development of the cotton industry

On August 15, the Corps’ cotton quality work special meeting proposed to continuously improve the institutional measures to continuously improve cotton quality and vigorously promote the high-quality development of the Corps’ cotton industry. Kong Xinglong, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and deputy political commissar of the Corps, presided over the meeting and delivered a speech.

hole The meeting deployed requirements to deepen the structural reform of the agricultural supply side, highlight the orientation of high quality and low price, strengthen the quality coordinated management of the cotton industry chain, continue to establish the XPCC’s high-quality cotton brand image, and promote the high-quality economic and social development of the XPCC.

hole Responsibility, and effectively manage the quality management of the entire cotton industry chain; we must give full play to our organizational advantages, do a good job in the “four-level linkage” special rectification action of the army, division, and regiment companies, implement the main responsibilities of the division and city, and the local responsibilities of the regiment and field, further strengthen department coordination and cooperation, and conscientiously We must implement various quality improvement measures, strengthen publicity, education and guidance, promptly investigate and punish violations of laws and regulations, and resolutely win the battle against cotton quality.



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