Clothing Manufacturer_Clothing Factory clothing manufacturers News Wuxi, Chongqing: Intelligent sericulture brings technological glory to traditional industries

Wuxi, Chongqing: Intelligent sericulture brings technological glory to traditional industries

Chongqing Wuxi: Intelligent sericulture makes traditional industries bloom with technological style In recent years, Wuxi County, Chongqing City has vigorously developed intelligen…

Chongqing Wuxi: Intelligent sericulture makes traditional industries bloom with technological style

In recent years, Wuxi County, Chongqing City has vigorously developed intelligent silkworm breeding and realized theintelligentization of traditional silkworm breedingTransformation and upgrading. As a sericulture breeding enterprise, County Xiangfei CocoonSilk Co., Ltd. takes advantage of the policies, focuses on technological innovation, and uses intelligence equipment, and gradually build an automated, multi-batch technology-based sericulture enterprise.

At the intelligent sericulture base in Shengli Township, the intelligent sericulture equipment introduced in the large silkworm workshop is undergoing automatic mulching. More than 300 large silkworms automatically fall from the silkworm racks one by one, and return to their original positions after the mulching is completed. The entire process only requires one person to operate and is completed automatically within 2 hours.

Silkworm breeding is divided into three processes: small silkworm, medium silkworm, and large silkworm. The large silkworm consumes the largest amount of mulberry. The artificial labor invested in this stage accounts for 80% of the entire process. In the past, traditional sericulture methods were used, with a maximum of three batches in spring, summer and autumn a year, and each person could only feed one silkworm in each batch. In 2019, the Shengli Township Intelligent Sericulture Base introduced 2.0 system large silkworm breeding intelligent equipment, which integrates the Internet, automatic control, and artificial intelligence technology. It can automatically add mulberry, remove sand, and disinfect, which greatly improves sericulture while reducing labor force. The output and benefits of breeding are currently 12 batches of silkworms a year, and each batch can feed 48 silkworms. After calculation and comparison, the efficiency of intelligent sericulture is about 18 times that of traditional sericulture.

The Shengli Intelligent Sericulture Base is an epitome of the development of intelligent sericulture in Wuxi County. In recent years, with the strong support of the County Science and Technology Bureau, the County Forestry Bureau and other relevant departments, the County Xiangfei Cocoon Silk Co., Ltd. has set up 5 intelligent sericulture bases and 6 mulberry cocoon stations. In the spring and summer of 2021, single-season production will be carried out. The average number of species exceeds 6,000, and it is estimated that 19,000 silkworms will be raised throughout the year, with a social production of 670,000 kilograms of cocoons, and sales revenue of 27 million yuan. County Xiangfei Cocoon Silk Co., Ltd. has achieved practical results in improving the level of sericulture science and technology by cultivating large-scale and intensive demonstration mulberry gardens, building intelligent sericulture bases, small silkworm co-breeding rooms, etc., to expand the scale of sericulture, improve sericulture conditions, and so on. The real results have allowed the ancient and beautiful traditional sericulture industry to “break out of its cocoon and be reborn”, blooming with the brilliance of scientific and technological wisdom in the new era.

Han Yunjiang, the person in charge of County Xiangfei Cocoon Silk Co., Ltd., said that the company will continue to optimize, update and improve intelligent sericulture equipment on the basis of the original 2.0 intelligent sericulture, and increase technological innovation to upgrade it to 3.0. Intelligent silkworm breeding equipment realizes fully intelligent breeding of small, medium and large silkworms. Strive to achieve 50,000 acres of large-scale and intensive demonstration mulberry gardens in the county by the end of the 14th Five-Year Plan, build 25 intelligent sericulture factories, install 50 sets of intelligent equipment, achieve annual sericulture and seeding of 50,000 silkworms, and produce 40,000 cocoons. tons, and the comprehensive income from cocoon production exceeds 100 million yuan.



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