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How to distinguish between water-repellent and waterproof?

Water repellent, also known as water repellent, abbreviated as W/R, is a hydrophobic compound deposited on the surface of the fiber, leaving pores on the surface of the fabric thro…

Water repellent, also known as water repellent, abbreviated as W/R, is a hydrophobic compound deposited on the surface of the fiber, leaving pores on the surface of the fabric through which air and water vapor can pass (through post-finishing). It is generally applied on Water droplets form on the cloth (like lotus leaves). But it is not really waterproof, water will still seep inside if it stays for a long time. W/R treated fabrics will lose effectiveness due to washing and prolonged use. (The water-repellent here should include what we often call water repellent, as well as waterproof.)

Commonly performed tests include: AATCC22-2005 Textile Water Repellency Test-Spray Method
AATCC193-2005 Anti-wetting: Waterproof/Ethanol Solution Test,
AATCC118-2007 Oil Drainage: Hydrocarbon Resistance Test

Waterproof, waterresistant/waterproof (here should refer to waterproof and breathable fabrics), generally refers to making a rubber base on the bottom of the fabric, which is divided into two types: coating and lamination. Coating is often referred to as coating, and lamination is a composite A layer of waterproofing material is at the back. This is truly waterproof.
The test standards are: BSEN20811-1992 Determination of water penetration resistance of textile fibers Hydrostatic pressure test

Then, we can make a distinction based on energy efficiency::
(1) Waterproof products are more durable and have more stable physical and chemical properties than water-repellent products; waterproof products usually do not fail due to washing and long-term use.
(2) Waterproof products have higher water pressure resistance indicators than water-repellent products, usually at least 3000MM.
(3) Applied to the specific function of clothing, the main function of water-repellent treatment is to reduce the adsorption of water by the fabric, so that water can be “pushed away” on the surface of the fabric; the waterproof treatment is a completely impermeable barrier, regardless of the fabric. It keeps water out whether it absorbs it or not.
(4) Waterproof products are tested for water pressure resistance, while water-repellent products are tested for exposure to rain. The latter is generally not coated and uses super water-repellent additives. The additives are mainly organic fluorine compounds (such as C6texnology®FCB060 ).

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