Clothing Manufacturer_Clothing Factory clothing manufacturers News GB/T14577-1993 Determination of water repellency of fabrics – Bondisgate rain method

GB/T14577-1993 Determination of water repellency of fabrics – Bondisgate rain method

This standard is equivalent to the international standard ISO9865-1991 “Textiles – Determination of water repellency of fabrics by Bondisman rain test method” 1. …

This standard is equivalent to the international standard ISO9865-1991 “Textiles – Determination of water repellency of fabrics by Bondisman rain test method”

1. Topic content and scope of application

This standard specifies the method for determining the water repellency of fabrics using the Bondisman shower method;

This standard is suitable for evaluating the water-repellent finishing process effect of fabrics subjected to rain showers while in motion.

2. Reference standards

GB6529 Standard atmosphere for humidity conditioning and testing of textiles


Water repellency

Under a designated artificial rain shower, the fabric’s ability to resist absorbing rainwater for a specified period of time can also be evaluated. The amount of water absorbed by the fabric and the amount of water flowing through the fabric can also be evaluated.

4. Principle

The sample is placed on the sample cup and subjected to artificial rain under specified conditions. Then, the water repellency was evaluated visually by comparing the reference sample with the wetted sample. Weigh the moisture absorbed by the specimen during the test and record the amount of water collected through the specimen in the sample cup.

5. Experimental and humidified atmosphere

According to GB6529, the relative humidity is 65%±2% and the temperature is 20±2℃.

6. Preparation of specimen

Cut at least 4 flat, wrinkle-free circular specimens with a diameter of 140mm from the sample. Each piece should be more than 100mm away from the edge of the cloth, and the sample should be taken more than 2m away from the end of the cloth. The humidity should be adjusted before the rain test.

7. Calibration of the instrument

Before testing or calibration, the rain meter should be turned on for 15 minutes to ensure the consistency of the artificial rain shower and water temperature, and then measure the amount of water in the sample cup. Adjust the rain shower as required so that there is 200±10ml of water in each sample cup after 2.5 minutes. During continuous testing, the equipment should be calibrated at least twice a day, and the normal function of the dripper should be checked frequently.

8. Operating procedures

Calibrate the flow rate first, and note that the rain shower can be closed only after all tests are completed, move the rain shield up, and weigh the mass m1 of the sample after humidity adjustment, accurate to 0.01g. After identifying the test surface of the sample, place it flatly and without tension on the sample cup, and clamp the sample with a suitable sample clamping ring.

Open the rain shield and let the sample be exposed to rain for 10 minutes.

Use the reference sample to visually evaluate the water repellency of the wet sample according to the following 5-level standards:

Level 5: Small water droplets drip quickly;

Level 4: Formation of large water droplets;

Level 3: Part of the sample is stained with water drops;

Level 2: Partial wetting;

Level 1: The entire surface is wetted.

Water repellency can also be evaluated after 1 minute or 5 minutes.

Observe whether the sample is wetted by the shower surface.

Centrifuge and dehydrate the sample for 15 seconds, and immediately weigh its mass m2, accurate to 0.01g.

In the rain test, in addition to measuring the water absorption of the sample, the amount of water that penetrates the sample can also be measured, which is calculated in milliliters based on the water collected in the sample cup.

9. Results

Calculate the water absorption rate W, expressed as mass percentage: W=(m2-m1)/m1×100%.

Note: m1—the mass of the sample before the test, g;

m2—the mass of the sample after testing (i.e. wet weight), g.

Source: Standardization Research Institute of China Textile and Apparel Federation.

Extended reading: https://www.brandfabric .net/t-c-stretch-interweave-fabric/
Extended reading: https:/ /
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Extension Read: DOBBY-YARN-OXFORD-Fabric.htm
