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Complete collection of fabric water permeability and waterproof performance tests

织物的透水性能称做透水性� �与之相反的性能称为防水性或抗渗透性� �织物容易被水沾湿的特性,主要与织物表面性能有关,因此,可以称之为表面抗湿性� �织物由于各自的用途不同,所以,其表面抗湿性能要求也不同� �用做雨衣、帐篷、船帆等织物需要有良好的防水性能,而过滤性用途的织物则需要有良好的透水性能� �一些户外用途的成衣,如风雨衣等,也对防水性有一定的要求�…

织物的透水性能称做透水性� �与之相反的性能称为防水性或抗渗透性� �织物容易被水沾湿的特性,主要与织物表面性能有关,因此,可以称之为表面抗湿性� �织物由于各自的用途不同,所以,其表面抗湿性能要求也不同� �用做雨衣、帐篷、船帆等织物需要有良好的防水性能,而过滤性用途的织物则需要有良好的透水性能� �一些户外用途的成衣,如风雨衣等,也对防水性有一定的要求� � <br style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; max-width: 100%; box-sizing: border-box !important; word-wrap: break-word !important;" /
<br style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; max-width: 100%; box-sizing: border-box !important; word-wrap: break-word !important;" /
The main methods for testing the waterproof performance of fabrics are:<br style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; max-width: 100%; box-sizing: border-box !important; word-wrap: break-word !important;" /




Fabric water permeability (waterproof) testing instruments are frequently used in the textile industry. There are different test instrument requirements for different standards and requirements. Currently, the commonly used fabric water permeability (waterproofing) testing instruments are hydrostatic pressure resistance testers. ,spray Type water repellent performance tester (fabric wettability tester), rainproof tester, capillary effect tester, respectively correspond to the four water permeability test methods: hydrostatic method, spray method, rain method, and wick method. The following These four methods will be introduced separately �</p




1. Hydrostatic pressure method (fabric hydrostatic pressure tester)</p





  在AATCC 127-2003测试方法实验中,将待测样品沿着对角线方向少取3块大小面积为200mm×200mm的样品� The two sides of the sample have different waterproof properties. Mark them and test them with distilled water at (21±2)℃. The test area is 2500px2. The test surface is in contact with water. The water pressure increases at a speed of 60mbar/min (or 10mm/s). If water droplets ooze out from 3 different places on the sample, the test reaches the end point. �但若在距离样品夹3mm以内的地方渗出的水滴,是无效的� �所测结果为在相同条件下3个测试样的平均值� �测试值越大,表示水渗出样品所需的压力值越大,其防水性越好� �</p


2. Spray method (spray water repellency tester)</p




  在AATCC 22-2005测试方法中,将测试样用直径为152.4mm的铁环固定样品,样品处于张紧状态,表面平整没有皱� �将250mL蒸馏水从标准喷头以45°喷淋,在喷嘴下方150mm处的试样,喷淋时间25~30s� Tap the bottom of the iron ring with the sample on the solid object once, with the test surface facing the solid object. Then rotate the iron ring 180° and tap once again. Compare, rate and evaluate the sprayed sample surface with the standard chart. fabric water repellency �评价级别有5个等级,5级为好,1级为差� Level 5 – There are no water drops on the surface of the tested sample; Level 4 – There are slight wet spots on the surface of the tested sample; Level 3 – There are obvious rain drops on the surface of the tested sample; Level 2 – The tested sample has The sample surface is partially wet; level 1 – the tested sample surface is completely wet. �</p


3. Rain method (rainproof tester)</p




  实验中用雨淋测试仪测试,AATCC 35-2006测试方法是将试样的后面放一个380px×380px的标准吸水纸,称重标准吸水纸,精确到0.1g� On a vertical rigid surface, clamp the sample to the sample holder, place the sample in the middle of the spray, 762.5px away from the nozzle, and spray (27±1)°C water flow directly to the test piece horizontally. Sample on, last 5 minutes �喷淋结束后,小心的取下吸水纸,迅速称重,精确至0.1g� �计算吸水纸在5min喷淋时间内重量的增加,取其测试数据的平均值� �若是大于5.0g,则报告为+5.0g或>5.0g� �</p


4. Wicking method (capillary effect measuring instrument)</p


  芯吸法是目前常用、简单地直接测试织物的吸水性方法� The test sample is usually cut into a long strip. One end of the test sample is suspended on an iron stand, and the other end is in contact with the water (or immersed in water to a certain height). After immersing for a certain period of time (f), the water climbs through the capillary tubes and fiber pores of the fabric are measured. height(h) �导水性好的织物,吸水性强,吸水速度(即芯吸速度)快,单位时间内爬升高度大,即导水高度高� �若是在测试过程中,由于织物结构、纤维、纱线和颜色的关系,水的爬升过程不是很明显,肉眼不能很好观察,此时可以在水中加入一点着色剂� �芯吸速度(v)在微观上取决于纤维的物理、化学性质和液体分子的热平衡过程;在宏观上取决于孔隙的形态与方向� �芯吸速度为水在单位时间内上升的高度值,即v(cm/s)=h/t� �导水性的强弱关系着芯吸速度的大小� �故可以用芯吸来测试织物的导水能力�

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