Vegetable dyeing techniques

“青,取之于蓝,而青于蓝”,《荀子·劝学篇》中的这句名言,就是指用蓝草制成的靛蓝可染出更青的颜色� �植物染亦称草木染,采用天然植物、中药材、花卉、蔬菜、茶叶制成染料,为织物染色� �根据相关资料,早在四五千年前的新石器时代,我国就已掌握了植物染料的提取、染色技术� �轩辕黄帝时代,已开始用草木之汁染色制衣� �植物染在唐朝达到鼎盛,成为当时社会主要的染色技…

“青,取之于蓝,而青于蓝”,《荀子·劝学篇》中的这句名言,就是指用蓝草制成的靛蓝可染出更青的颜色� �植物染亦称草木染,采用天然植物、中药材、花卉、蔬菜、茶叶制成染料,为织物染色� �根据相关资料,早在四五千年前的新石器时代,我国就已掌握了植物染料的提取、染色技术� �轩辕黄帝时代,已开始用草木之汁染色制衣� �植物染在唐朝达到鼎盛,成为当时社会主要的染色技术方法� A large number of colorful silk fabrics dyed by plants and trees were exported to Central Asia, West Asia, the Mediterranean and Europe through the world-famous “Silk Road”, creating the glory of ancient Chinese silk, and plant dyeing techniques also spread to Japan. and other countries �随着科技的进步,植物染这种与人类肌肤亲近的染色法,在化学染织物靓丽的外表下逐渐淡出历史� �近现代,丝绸织物中,除了香云纱采用纯植物染色之外,基本上都采用化工染料� �</p

  近年来,在致力于吴罗织物的研究与开发工作中,李海龙一直在寻求染色上的转变与突破,力求使吴罗织物更符合历史特性� �今年初,在与一家常州企业的合作中,终于成功地将植物染应用于吴罗织物上� “Unlike chemical dyes, plant dyeing materials are completely extracted from natural plants. They are dyed at medium temperature and dried naturally. No fixing agent is added in the whole process. What is advocated is the natural absorption and fixation of color by silk fabrics.” It is worth mentioning. What I mention is that despite the adoption of new plant dyeing technology, the natural “competitive” advantage of Wuluo fabrics has not disappeared. �记者在现场看到,经植物染色的吴罗衣物,不仅色彩多样,而且色泽更温和,触觉也更具肌肤感,非常柔软� �</p

“At first, some Hanfu enthusiasts contacted us, hoping that we would apply plant dyeing to the production of Hanfu. Because of the elegant characteristics of Wu Luo itself, coupled with the soft natural colors, the aura of Hanfu can be fully revealed. Later, Yue More and more customers are beginning to order this pure natural product Colorful and environmentally friendly clothing, it will also be our main high-end fabric product in the future. “Li Hailong is also the chairman of Suzhou Shenglong Silk Embroidery. He revealed that currently plant-dyed fabrics are mainly ordered by some designers and studios that make Hanfu. In the future, he will further expand production and investment in this area �据了解,圣龙公司是苏州首家运用植物染的丝绸企业,相较于化工染色,植物染色的成本要高出8-15倍,产出率则要低15%-20%� �</p


What is Luo?</p


What are natural dyes?</p


Extended reading: /product/300D-120D-Polyester-Punctate-Plain-OXFORD-Fabric.html
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Extended reading: -Mat-Dobby-OXFORD-Fabric.html
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Extended reading: 376.htm
