Clothing Manufacturer_Clothing Factory clothing manufacturers News Uniqlo will raise prices by 20% starting from July. What is the reason for the price increase?

Uniqlo will raise prices by 20% starting from July. What is the reason for the price increase?

运营优衣库的日本迅销集团宣布,从7月开始优衣库在日本市场销售的新商品有20%将提价。这部分新商品的价格涨幅将在10%左右。此番涨价是继去年下半年该品牌对旗下秋冬产品提价5%后,又一次大幅上调产品价格。接二连三的涨价究竟是何原因?一再试探消费者的价格承受力,优衣库为何底气十足? </p Continuous price increases started…



Continuous price increases started out of frustration</p



Talking about the reasons for this price increase, Fast Retailing Group Chief Financial Officer Okazaki Takeru said: “Companies have been working hard to absorb the pressure of rising costs, but now they have to make this decision.” The main ones listed by Okazaki Ken The reason is the depreciation of the yen �他指出,企业此前一直采用远期汇率等措施来降低影响,但日元贬值进入常态化,已经无法加以弥补� �</p




Market test for brand transformation</p


在全球消费市场企稳复苏的特殊时期,这样的业绩已足够亮眼。正是因为有了不俗的销售表现,优衣库也更有资本通过产品线的叠加,探索更多赢利可能。就在不久前,优衣库宣布将联合前爱马仕艺术总监Christophe Lemaire的个人品牌Lemaire,从今年秋季开始推出男、女服装合作系列。Christophe Lemaire工作室总监Sarah-Linh Tran表示:“优衣库的品牌理念也是Lemaire对待时尚的看法和哲学,因此我们一直期待和优衣库合作。”

“Hand in hand” with the former Hermès artistic director will undoubtedly add color to the design of the product. Although it is not known how this well-established designer positions the price of the product, at least Uniqlo’s market strategy to expand the product line has been traced. follow �或许正如迅销集团会长兼社长柳井所言,调整价格是为了创造更优秀的品质� �</p


Brand fans come from one place to the end</p


In this regard, Yang Dayun analyzed: “Uniqlo must have conducted research before raising prices. Can consumers accept the price increase? What is the appropriate range? This requires research data to support. Judging from the current development status of the brand , a solid consumer base is its market foundation, and judging from its product positioning, even if the price is increased by 10%, the final price will not be unacceptable. ”</p

在2014年的秋冬新品销售工作上,优衣库首次在日本市场实施了全面涨价,主体价格上涨了5%左右,同时也提高了贴身内The functionality and quality of clothing and other products. Judging from customer flow and sales, there is basically no loss of customers. Industry insiders pointed out that because consumers who buy Uniqlo value quality more, as long as the final selling price of the product is in an equal relationship with its added value, consumers can still digest the product price increase. In addition, due to the Japanese government’s economic stimulus measures, employee wages of Japanese companies have increased. Coupled with the decline in oil prices, the relief of consumption pressure has also promoted the increase in purchasing power.

在中国市场上,优衣库也拥有一批稳定的消费群体� �在位于北京朝阳大悦城的优衣库店面里,一位女性消费者正在挑选基本款的打底裤,在她看来,优衣库属于实用型的“快时尚”品牌� “The clothing is comfortable and simple. It doesn’t just follow the trend. Compared with other brands, it is more suitable for parents to wear. For products such as polar fleece outerwear, shirts, lightweight down linings, etc., Uniqlo still has advantages. If the price increase is within a reasonable range, Even if the price is the same as other brands, I will still choose Uniqlo out of trust in quality. ”</p

有着这种想法的中国消费者不占少数,多年来,优衣库也一直凭借差异化的定位在中国市场稳步发展� �杨大筠认为,优衣库在中国市场上已经打下了良好的品牌基础,所以即使在中国市场提价10%,也不太会影响终的产品销售�

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