Clothing Manufacturer_Clothing Factory clothing manufacturers News Several main factors affecting reactive turquoise dyeing

Several main factors affecting reactive turquoise dyeing

Analysis of influencing factors of reactive emerald blue dyeing</p 前言:针对活性翠蓝染料,探讨了影响其染色的各个因素。由于活性翠蓝染料分子量大、直接性高,所以不易染均匀,且易出现色渍、色花、色牢度不高等问题。 Therefore, you should choose a dye wit…

Analysis of influencing factors of reactive emerald blue dyeing</p


Therefore, you should choose a dye with moderate water solubility, small particles, uniform diffusion, and few impurities;</p

At the same time, the amount of salt should be reduced as much as possible and the salt should be added slowly in batches;</p

The color should be checked before adding alkali. When using soda ash as the fixing agent, the adding time should not be too long;</p

And use additives that can help dissolve, diffuse and slow adsorption;</p

Also control the water hardness below 50 mg/L;</p


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1. From the perspective of dyes, the amount of dye, the number of water-soluble groups in the dye (that is, the solubility of the dye), the quality of the filling aids (diffusing agent, salt content, co-solvent) in the dye, and the dye manufacturing process The size of the molecular particles has a great impact on the dissolution, diffusion and leveling of dyes. �</p

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活性翠蓝是一类含有铜酞菁结构的染料,活性基团一般为乙烯砜或一氯均三嗪和乙烯砜二者结合的结构� The unique macromolecular structure of reactive turquoise blue results in high molecular planarity, so the directness of adsorption to fibers is high. However, high directness will cause difficulty in leveling dyeing and color flowers. At the same time, high directness will also cause Defects such as unstable shade and poor color fastness. Subsequent soaping will further affect the shade and fastness. On the other hand, due to the large molecular groups of active emerald blue, with water-soluble groups generally around 3.5, its solubility is poor and molecules easily associate with each other to form color stains; especially in neutral electrolytes In the presence of dye, the solubility and diffusion performance of the dye will be further reduced, and the dye will precipitate in the form of multiple molecular associations, causing obvious color stains..

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Although the parent material of reactive turquoise blue dye is the same, due to the different additives, dispersants, sulfonation temperature and other factors used by different manufacturers in production, the performance of reactive turquoise blue dye is different. Choose one with moderate solubility, small particles, and Dyes that are easy to spread evenly and have few impurities are crucial to the use of reactive turquoise blue �<br style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; max-width: 100%; box-sizing: border-box !important; word-wrap: break-word !important;" /
On the basis of various experimental data, the performance of the three active emeralds used was compared. The results are as follows (only for our factory’s data reference):<br style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; max-width: 100%; box-sizing: border-box !important; word-wrap: break-word !important;" /
Solubility: Longsheng G133<Wande BGFN<Wurong B266
Wande BGFN>Wurong B266 2·Influence of additives</p

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2.1 Salt (neutral electrolyte)<br style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; max-width: 100%; box-sizing: border-box !important; word-wrap: break-word !important;" /
Na+的介入对活性翠蓝染料的染色过程影响很大� When the Na+ content is lower than a certain range, its dye-promoting effect is insufficient, resulting in low final adsorption color yield of the dye, unstable color and light, and poor reproducibility; when the Na+ content reaches a certain range, its molecular movement is unstable. Being hindered, it can drive the reactive emerald blue dye molecules to spread evenly in the aqueous solution and play a role in promoting dyeing; however, as the Na+ content further increases, the dye diffusion performance will decrease, it will not be easy to disperse evenly, and it will easily salt out to form stains and flowers. �因此,含有Na+的元明粉的用法和用量对活性翠蓝染料的染色极其重要� �</p

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总体来说,Na+的用法应结合考虑半染时间来终确定,用量应根据染液中Na+的含量而定� �实际操作中,可适当降低元明粉用量,增加纯碱用量以提高Na+的量,这样可以避免由于盐的用量过高而使染料盐析形成色渍的现象产生� After many on-site tracking experiments, it was found that when the dosage of active turquoise blue is high (more than 1.5%), Yuanming powder and soda ash can be added in batches, that is, a certain amount of Yuanming powder is first added and the temperature is raised to 80°C. Dyeing, then add a certain amount of alkali to fix the color, then add the remaining amount of Yuanming powder for level dyeing, and then fix the color, so as to avoid the formation of salting out stains �<br style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; max-width: 100%; box-sizing: border-box !important; word-wrap: break-word !important;" /

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2.2 Alkali agent<br style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; max-width: 100%; box-sizing: border-box !important; word-wrap: break-word !important;" /
本厂所用的固色剂为Na2CO3,因其中含有Na+,所以对活性翠蓝的上染既有固色作用又有促染作用。由于活性翠蓝高的直接性,碱剂的促染能力相比已很弱,但其用量为0.5~1.0 g/L时能缓和色花现象。另外,由于Na2CO3会造成染料的水解,且对色光稳定和牢度有较大影响,所以建议加碱时间应控制得当,不宜过长。

溶液中加碱��Water quality also has certain requirements. When the water contains Ca2+, Mg2+, etc., adding alkali will form precipitates. Under the action of the main pump, these precipitates may float on the water surface and form color stains, so the water quality must be ensured before adding alkali. At the same time, before adding alkali, you should also ensure that there is no salt precipitation or color stains. Check first before adding alkali, because once alkali is added, level dyeing will not be possible, and repairs can only be carried out by methods such as stripping or color drawing.

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2.3 Solubilizing and diffusing additives<br style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; max-width: 100%; box-sizing: border-box !important; word-wrap: break-word !important; " /
对于活性翠蓝染料染色的助剂来说,应具有助溶和扩散性能,并应具有减缓吸附的作用� For example, a diffusing agent containing 3 -SO3Na structures can help dissolve dyes and achieve the effects of dissolution and diffusion; but on the other hand, due to its outstanding solubilization and diffusion effects, it will cause the dye to be difficult to adsorb onto the fiber, resulting in a color shift. Shallow (generally about half a percent deep) �因此,助溶剂的用法和用量需要根据染料的用量和染色条件来控制� �<br style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; max-width: 100%; box-sizing: border-box !important; word-wrap: break-word !important;" /
In addition, if there are color stains on the fabric before adding alkali, and then level dyeing with additives, the emulsification or diffusion performance of the additives will be higher. You can choose high-temperature level dyeing by directly adding degreasing agent or low-foaming emulsifier. method �</p

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3·The influence of water quality<br style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; max-width: 100%; box-sizing: border-box !important; word-wrap: break-word !important;" /
活性翠蓝对水质较为敏感,水的硬度应控制在50 mg/L以下,若水的硬度过高,则易产生色花现象。再生纤维素类纤维会将纤维硬度转移至水中;另外,元明粉等染化料助剂的不纯也会提高水质的硬度。因此,染色过程中对水质的监控是十分必要的,除了染色前应调整好水质硬度以外,建议染色时加一些螯合剂或六偏磷酸钠等净化水质。

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4·The effect of temperature<br style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; max-width: 100%; box-sizing: border-box !important; word-wrap: break-word !important;" /
活性翠蓝染料一般的反应温度选在75~80℃之间,匀染温度选在80~90℃之间� This is because when the temperature is high, the dye molecules move violently, which is conducive to the uniform diffusion of the dye; but when the temperature is too high, the hydrolysis of the reactive turquoise dye will also be intensified, especially when mixed with other dyes, it will have a greater impact on other dyes. , the color and light are unstable. At this time, the leveling temperature should be selected according to the actual mixing situation, and the purpose of leveling should be achieved by extending the leveling time and adding leveling agent. �匀染后,降温至80℃,加碱剂后再进行固色反应� �</p

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5·Conclusion<br style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; max-width: 100%; box-sizing: border-box !important; word-wrap: break-word !important;" /
活性翠蓝染料染色时有一定的难度,尤其是要恰当控制各个因素� Because reactive emerald blue has a large molecular weight and high directivity, it is not easy to dye evenly and is prone to color blooms. Therefore, you should choose a dye with moderate water solubility, small particles, uniform diffusion, and few impurities; the amount of salt should be minimized and divided into Add materials slowly and slowly; check the color before adding alkali; use additives that can help dissolve, diffuse and slow adsorption; also check the water quality; choose the appropriate temperature;��Ensure that the fabric has a good wool effect and clean the residual neutral additives, oils or alkali agents on the cloth surface. In this way, problems that arise during the dyeing process with reactive emerald blue dye can be better controlled.

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