Clothing Manufacturer_Clothing Factory clothing manufacturers News Challenges of mass production of wearable devices

Challenges of mass production of wearable devices

越来越多运动员使用崁入式感应器及生物检测工具的服装来测量他们的运动表现。不过,儘管成衣产业为了因应大众市场而採用、製造具感应及检测工具的成衣,但是所遭遇的大挑战就是成衣耐洗度。 Martin Ashby, chief operating officer of smart clothing technology at Smartlife, said at th…


Martin Ashby, chief operating officer of smart clothing technology at Smartlife, said at the Wearable Technology Exhibition held in London, England, in mid-March this year (2015) that although wearable technology has been combined with professional sportswear, what is important is how this data is converted. Become a reference information that amateur sports enthusiasts can use every day �</p


  科技品牌Teiimo的执行长暨创办人Markus Strecker说:「科技无法取代全部的训练员和医生」,并补充表示,科技可以协助想改善健康(如体重管理及健康议题)的人。


  关键的问题就是电池,这是可以理解的。根据穿戴科技公司Glofaster创办人Simon Weatherall所说,运用好的涂佈方式来达到电路防水性是可能的,但就不符成本效益了。


  Ambiotex公司推出可测量生物数据智慧衫,其执行长Thomas Claussen认同电池的改进是未来发展的关键。Claussen在会议期间从旁表示:「我预测2或3年内,装载电池的盒子及电子本身将会消失。因电池越小外盒则会越小,因为尺寸大小取决于电池,而非电子设备」。

  Ashby补充表示,Smartlife服装的电子设备整合了IP6,专家们面临的挑战不是水本身,而是温度� When designing and developing wearable garments for commercial use, the product generally must pass 50-60 times of washing testing. However, when the garment is washed and rotated with 90-degree water and 1,000 rotations per minute, this is not a “normal usage condition.” ” �Ashby认为装置设备要更加耐用� �</p

  Smartlife技术长Ben McCarthy预测:「市场上将悄悄出现一些相关测试与远景」。McCarthy表示,其他公司与Smartlife一样,「我们都开发出一些产品并进行测试,而且是可行的,我们也花钱尝试并希望能大量生产,不过,这过程很复杂,也耗费许多心力」。

McCarthy added: “There’s a lot of fitness knowledge out there about how to train yourself, improve performance and get your heart rate up, but most people don’t know how to use it. If you tell me what my heart rate is, I don’t know it. What does it mean? We want to make this situation simple and understandable.” �</p

“Consumers are not interested in details like their heart rate,” McCarthy said. “They are interested in how they can change what they do to further improve the status quo and whether the product is washable. To reach the mass market, companies need to work hard. What kind of wearable technology will be developed, etc.”

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