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Summary of down fill power testing methods and qualification determination in various countries

As one of the important indicators of down quality, the fill power index is a concentrated reflection of the elasticity and warmth retention properties of the inherent quality. It …

As one of the important indicators of down quality, the fill power index is a concentrated reflection of the elasticity and warmth retention properties of the inherent quality. It also indirectly reflects the discreteness of each component of down. Filliness testing is an important part of down testing. It refers to the elasticity of down (feathers). It is measured by measuring the volume occupied by a certain amount of sample down (feathers) in a container of a certain caliber under constant weight pressure. to get. Since the greater the fill power, the greater the amount of still air contained, and the still air layer is a good thermal insulation layer, so the fill power of down has a good linear relationship with the thermal insulation performance of down products.

1. Comparison of parameters of filling power test instruments in various countries

The existing standards for fill power testing mainly include: GB/T 10288-2003 “Test Method for Down and Feather”, FZ/T80001-2002 “Test Method for Washed Feather and Down”, BSEN12130: 1998 “Test Method for Down and Down – Fill Power” Determination”, JISL1903: 1998 “Down Test Method” and IDFB: 2006 “International Down and Feather Bureau Official Analysis Method”.

See Table 1 for specific test instrument parameters.

BS EN 12130:1998

Table 1 Parameters of filling power testing instruments in various countries

Testing standards


Instrument parameters

Instrument manufacturer




Pressure plate

GB/T 10288-2003


Plexiglas measuring cylinder, height 1500px, inner diameter 612.5px,

Aluminum pressure plate, weight 68.4g, diameter 600px

Shanghai Down Factory

FZ/T 80001-2002


Plexiglas measuring cylinder, height 1500px, inner diameter 612.5px

Aluminum pressure plate, weight 68.4g, diameter 600px

Shanghai Down Factory



Japanese Badminton Association bulkiness

Weighing disc,

Japanese feather bedding


Measuring device, height (500±10) mm, inner diameter (290±1) cm

Made of aluminum, diameter (285±1) mm, edge at 45°, outer edge and reinforcement ribs 30mm wide, three fan-shaped gaps are stretched with nylon silk fabric, total weight (120.0±0.5) g

Manufacturing synergy combination


Measuring cylinder height (500±5) mm, inner diameter (289+1) mm

The generated pressure is (14.8±0.2) Pa, and the diameter is (82±3) mm

German LORCH Company



IDFB measuring cylinder, height 500mm, inner diameter 288mm

Weight plate, made of PMMA, diameter 284mm, load weight 94.25g, pressure 0.149g/m², falling speed 0.54m/min

German LORCH Company

Note: For ease of understanding, the pressure plate, weighing disc, and weight plate described in each standard are collectively referred to as pressure plates.

As can be seen from Table 1, the instrument parameters for measuring bulkiness used in each standard are different, which results in inconsistency in the operation process and inconsistent expression of results. Among the testing instruments, except for the automatic operation of the IDFB measuring cylinder, the others are all manually operated. Correct sample pre-processing and standardized operating procedures are crucial.

2. Comparison of pre-treatment methods in various countries’ fill power testing standards

In order to ensure that the same standard has good reproducibility when tested in different laboratories and reduce the randomness of factors, the standards of various countries have stipulated the pre-treatment methods. Comparing the methods, the standards of various countries have different requirements on the weight of the sample and pre-treatment. The tools, temperature and humidity, and time are all different.

2.1 GB/T10288-2003 “Down and Feather Inspection Methods”

Take a sample of about 20g from the laboratory sample, put it into an eight-basket oven, and dry it at (70±2)°C for 45 minutes. Then shake the sample one by one into the pre-treatment box by hand to make it fluffy. Restore for more than 24 hours in an environment with temperature (20±2)℃ and relative air humidity (65±2)%.

2.2 IDFB: 2006 “International Down and Feather Bureau Official Analytical Methods” Volume Determination – Rolling Drying Reduction Method

Take a 50g down sample and put it into a cotton bag with a size of 1250px×1500px that is opened with a zipper or closed by sewing (60×60, warp and weft density 500/250px, plain weave, 100g/m²~110 g/m²), at 50℃ Dry in a rolling dryer at ~70°C for 30 minutes, and then place the sample to equilibrate under standard atmospheric conditions of temperature (20±2)°C and relative humidity (65±4)% for at least 72 hours.

2.3 IDFB: 2006 “International Down and Feather Bureau Official Analytical Methods” Volume Determination – Steam Reduction Method

Take 35g~40g of mixed representative down samples and put them into the reduction box. Down should be fluffy and not clumpy orIn groups. Use a steam engine to blow steam into the reduction box for 40 seconds (10 seconds on each side). After waiting for 3 to 10 minutes, use a hair dryer (1400W to 1800W) to dry the down for at least 2 minutes (30 seconds on each side). Place the sample into a test chamber under standard atmospheric conditions of temperature (20±2)°C and relative humidity (65±4)% for reduction (48±24) h.

2.4 Japan Feather Bedding Manufacturing Cooperative Association (Method B)/JISL1903:1998 “Feather and Down Test Method”

The Japan Feather Bedding Manufacturing Collaborative Group (Method B) is a commonly used testing method by the three major authoritative testing agencies in Japan. Put about 35g of the sample into the stainless steel metal mesh box for adjustment. After stirring thoroughly with a stirring rod, use a hair dryer (1200W strong wind) to blow hot air from a distance of 125px from the metal mesh to the 4 sides of the metal box for 30 seconds on one side (a total of 30 seconds on all four sides). 2min). After the feathers are fully blown out, place them indoors for 24 hours. After 24 hours, use a hair dryer again to blow hot air to the four sides of the metal box from a distance of 125px from the metal mesh for 30 seconds on one side (2 minutes in total on all four sides). After the feathers are fully blown away, place them in a standard laboratory for 5 hours.

2.5 BS EN12130:1998 “Feather down test method – Determination of fill power”

Take no less than 50g of the sample from the sample, put it into a container of suitable size, and cover it with a lid. Blow air into the container from the air hole at a high air flow rate (60±5) s. Move the sample from the container to a 150mm high pre-treatment box and place it under standard atmospheric conditions for at least 48 hours.

3. Comparison of pre- and post-processing test procedures for bulkiness in different countries

In addition to stipulating different pre-treatment methods, national standards also have differences in the operation process. As an accredited laboratory by the International Down and Feather Bureau, we have found in practice over the years that the details in the operation process are very important and will seriously affect the accuracy and comparability of the results.

3.1 GB/T10288-2003 “Inspection Methods for Down and Feathers”

Weigh 28.4g of the sample after fluffing treatment, shake it into the fluffing instrument, stir evenly with a glass rod and spread it flat, cover it with a metal pressure plate, let the pressure plate gently press on the sample and let it fall naturally, stop falling and rest for 1 minute. Record the scales on both sides of the cylinder wall. The same sample is tested three times, and the six averages of the three results are used as the final result, leaving two decimal places. The standard also stipulates that the conversion constant between fill power units and cubic inches is 28.77. For example: the reading on the fill meter is 450in³, which is equivalent to a height of 391px.

3.2 IDFB: Volume determination in the 2006 “International Down and Feather Bureau Official Methods of Analysis” – rolling drying reduction method and steam reduction method

Although the rolling drying reduction method and the steam reduction method are different in pre-treatment, the test operation process after pre-treatment is the same, that is, put 30g of the sample into the measuring barrel and blow it loose with a blower equipment for 5 seconds. It is necessary to blow twice continuously before the first measurement, and once before each of the next four measurements. When the start button is pressed, the weight plate will move downward at a predetermined speed (0.54m/min). When the pressure plate contacts the sample in the measuring cylinder, its descending speed is reduced to less than 0.3m/min due to the reaction force of the sample. At the same time, the loading time (1min) starts and the test value will be displayed continuously. The tested value is printed out after the loading time. The sample is tested 5 times, and the calculation results can be expressed in kg and cm³/g.

3.3 Japan Feather Bedding Manufacturing Cooperative Association (Method B)/JIS L1903:1998 “Down Test Method”

JIS L1903:1998 “Down Test Method” stipulates that after placing it in a standard laboratory for 5 hours, take out some samples and put them into the sample weighing box, and weigh (30±0.1) g with an electronic balance. Install the matching bottom-loading sample storage container on the cylinder of the bulkiness tester, and pour the weighed sample into it. Remove the cover under the sample storage container and use a rod to push the sample into the cylinder little by little to prevent the samples from sticking together. After all is dialed in, remove the sample container and flatten the surface of the down. Install the load tray, gently shake the spool handle with your hand, and gently lower the load tray. After the load plate stops falling, relax the rope to the pre-adjusted slack state and start timing. After 2 minutes, read the scale on the cylinder according to the height of the three red indicators on the load plate, accurate to 1mm, and find the average of the three scales. Pour the tested sample into the sample storage container again, and repeat the test two more times according to the above steps. The test results are expressed in mm.

3.4 BS EN12130:1998 “Feather down test method – Determination of fill power”

Keep the cylindrical container vertical by adjusting the feet, ensuring that the measuring rod reads zero when the plunger is at the bottom. Weigh two portions of the sample (20.0 ± 0.1) g from the conditioned sample, place the first portion of the sample into the cylinder and cover it. Blow the sample to fluff it for (60±5) seconds and stop immediately. Put the stopper and measuring rod from the top of the cylindrical container, and lower the cover mechanically or manually at a speed of (520±20) mm/min until the stopper is stable or naturally horizontal on the sample. If not, blow the specimen again. Read the height after (60±2) s from the measuring rod. Try to keep the plunger in the middle of the cylindrical container during the entire test process. Repeat the above steps for the same sample after (7±2) s. A total of two samples were tested, and the calculation results were expressed in units of cm/g or mm.

4. Qualification determination of fill power standards in various countries

In order to enable enterprises to understand and fully grasp the status of fill power standards in various countries as soon as possible, and to deeply understand the qualification and limit requirements of standards, Table 2 summarizes the qualification and limit requirements for fill power in various countries’ standards (or labels), to help enterprises organize production correctly. Avoid trade disputes.

Table 2 Requirements for compliance determination limits of fill power standards in various countries


Limited requirements

GB/T 17685-2003 “Down and Feathers”

Down content%
























FZ/T 81002-2002 “Washed Feather and Down”

Cashmere content/%





















Japan Feather Bedding Manufacturing Collaborative Group

The requirements for bulkiness in the quality benchmark value of the gold trademark

Premium gold trademark≥180mm

(indicated by ★★★★★★)

Royal gold trademark≥165mm

(indicated by ★★★★★)

Excel gold trademark≥145mm

(Use ★��★★means)

New gold index≥120mm

(indicated by ☆☆☆)

Japan Feather Association

Down content%

Fill power/cm







Down and feather products


After the filler is properly adjusted, the bulkiness of the finished product is ±5% of the declared value

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