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Premier Li Keqiang’s dialogue on textile industry during the two sessions

In your opinion, what does it look like for leaders to review the government work report together with deputies to the National People’s Congress participating in the two ses…

In your opinion, what does it look like for leaders to review the government work report together with deputies to the National People’s Congress participating in the two sessions? Sit face to face, read the manuscript first, and then summarize the speech? Don’t be ridiculous, this method is already OUT!

On the 6th, Premier Li Keqiang participated in the deliberation of the Shandong delegation. The representatives threw away their speeches and discussed the issues frankly with the Prime Minister. Several representatives even appeared in a “grabbing for the microphone” scene, vying for the floor. On the 7th, Premier Li Keqiang participated in the deliberation of the Jiangsu delegation. The representatives asked questions, and the Premier answered them and also made decisions on the spot. During the period, the Prime Minister had a candid exchange with textile representatives around the topic of promoting the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries and industrial policies, which brought the hearts of textile people closer to the Prime Minister and the country.

【First Chapter】

Representative Qiu Yafu: Regarding the state cotton reserve policy, textile people have something to say!

Premier Li Keqiang: The textile industry is related to the interests of farmers and the employment of migrant workers

On the morning of the 6th, when Premier Li Keqiang went to his Shandong delegation to review the “Government Work Report”, the meeting’s established agenda was broken several times. After the designated representatives finished speaking, Li Keqiang broke the flow of the meeting and asked: “Have the prescribed speeches ended? Do you have any other suggestions?”

Representative Qiu Yafu, chairman of Shandong Ruyi Technology Group, immediately stood up from the back row, grabbed the microphone and said: “Prime Minister, the textile companies have something to say!”

Qiu Yafu’s suggestion is about the country’s national cotton reserve policy. Li Keqiang took notes carefully and asked: “How was your business situation last year?”

“Our sales revenue increased by 20% last year, but our profits only increased by 5%.” Qiu Yafu said.

Li Keqiang immediately asked: “Why?”

Qiu Yafu said: “The main reason is that bank financing costs have increased and financial fees have increased. The state has cut interest rates, but the real economy cannot feel it. Some banks have even raised interest rates for us! This is true for our large enterprises. It is conceivable that those small and micro enterprises will Even harder! ”

Li Keqiang took notes carefully. He said: “The textile industry is related to the interests of farmers and the employment of many migrant workers. I have written down your opinions. I will ask the relevant departments to study the state cotton reserve policy.” (Beijing News)

【Chapter 2】

Representative Chen Lifen: The absence of textiles in technological innovation projects is disappointing

Premier Li Keqiang: Upgrading traditional industries requires policy-oriented incentives

On the morning of March 7, Li Keqiang, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Premier of the State Council, reviewed the government work report together with representatives of the Jiangsu delegation attending the third session of the 12th National People’s Congress.

Against the background of increasing downward pressure on the economy, many traditional Chinese industries are facing transformation and upgrading. This year’s government work report also places greater emphasis on promoting the upgrading and transformation of traditional industries. Chen Lifen, deputy to the National People’s Congress and chairman of Sunshine Group, reflected during the review that her company had encountered some practical difficulties in its transformation.

“Prime MinisterThe report proposes a series of measures to promote the industrial structure to the mid-to-high-end level. We, representatives of traditional industrial enterprises, see hope in it. “Representative Chen Lifen, chairman of Jiangsu Sunshine Group, said that we had been struggling with whether to change careers after the transformation and transfer. After listening to the Prime Minister’s report, we strengthened our confidence.

As the downward pressure on my country’s economy continues to increase, the Prime Minister is particularly concerned about the production and operation of enterprises and carefully inquired about Sunshine’s sales and profit growth last year.

“What proportion does your export account for? What proportion does OEM, that is, processing trade, account for?”

“Exports accounted for 38.9%, of which independent brand exports and OEMs each accounted for about half.”

“How do the export orders this year compare with last year?”

“It’s basically the same as last year, but long-term and large orders have increased.”

Chen Lifen said that the textile industry is currently facing a situation of slowing growth and increasing pressure, and has reached a critical stage when it must make in-depth adjustments and optimize its structure. In the report, the Prime Minister proposed that inclusive policies such as super deductions for corporate R&D expenses and support for high-tech enterprises will be implemented and improved, providing a strong impetus for the transformation and upgrading of the textile industry. “But one thing is that textiles are no longer in the list of science and technology project applications, which makes us feel quite disappointed.” Representative Chen Lifen bluntly expressed her concerns.

Li Keqiang immediately asked Xu Shaoshi, director of the National Development and Reform Commission, who came with him to listen to the deliberation, about the relevant situation, and instructed the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Science and Technology, and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology to pay attention to this issue. He said to Chen Lifen: “Your suggestion makes sense. China’s textile industry has relatively strong competitiveness in the world and occupies a relatively large market share. More importantly, it has created employment for a large number of Chinese labor force, especially migrant workers. . In fact, what you need is policy-oriented encouragement, not how much money you need.”

The Prime Minister also asked with concern about Sunshine’s financing costs. Chen Lifen said that the current cost of financing for Sunshine is around 10%. As a large enterprise, commercial banks still have preferential treatment for Sunshine. “For manufacturing companies to compete internationally, I think our interest rate standards need to be lowered, and banks should operate them like businesses.”

“The current problem of expensive financing has indeed not been fundamentally solved. We must find ways to help enterprises alleviate the problem of difficult and expensive financing.” The Prime Minister’s attitude was very firm.

Representative Chen Lifen also suggested in her speech that the bidding activities of government procurement should be further standardized, especially to solve the problem of the proliferation of agency companies. The Prime Minister said, “This year we will make great efforts to clean up these intermediary service companies with administrative backgrounds.” He emphasized that the current government has proposed streamlining administration, delegating power, and combining decentralization and regulation as the first move and highlight of the reform. It moves the whole body. If an enterprise has to go through five hurdles and defeat six generals to get a personal tax refund, and it can’t figure out the door even if it breaks its legs, then it will not have the policy effect it deserves. Governments at all levels must vigorously promote streamlining administration and delegating power. Of course, delegating power does not mean ignoring it. Creating a level playing field is what the government should do. (Xinhua News Agency)

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