Clothing Manufacturer_Clothing Factory clothing manufacturers News Overseas warehouses are gradually coming to the forefront and may become the driving force of foreign trade today.

Overseas warehouses are gradually coming to the forefront and may become the driving force of foreign trade today.

Overseas warehouses are gradually coming to the forefront and may become the driving force of foreign trade today “Overseas warehouses” were included in the government …

Overseas warehouses are gradually coming to the forefront and may become the driving force of foreign trade today

“Overseas warehouses” were included in the government work report for the first time. The Ministry of Commerce said that in the future, it will promote the construction of “overseas warehouses” for cross-border e-commerce.

This year’s government work report proposed to expand cross-border e-commerce pilots, support enterprises in building a number of “overseas warehouses” for export products, and promote the development of comprehensive foreign trade service enterprises. Feng Jianfeng, founder and CEO of, explained in an interview with a reporter from China Economic Times that before “Internet +” was proposed, relevant institutions had already proposed this concept, and it was written down after pioneering companies explored its feasibility. The government work report has become one of the guidelines for the direction of national economic development. This time, “overseas warehouses” were included in the new year’s government work report, and may become the focus of my country’s foreign trade this year.

At present, there are more than 5,000 cross-border platform companies in my country, and more than 200,000 foreign trade companies carry out cross-border e-commerce through the platform. According to the forecast of the Ministry of Commerce, China’s cross-border e-commerce import and export trade volume will reach 6.5 trillion yuan in 2016 and will increase to 8 trillion yuan in 2017. The proportion of cross-border e-commerce in China’s import and export trade will increase in the next few years. to 20%, with an annual growth rate of over 30%. As China’s cross-border e-commerce develops rapidly and expands globally, having “overseas warehouses” has increasingly become an important competitive “weight”.

Ministry of Commerce spokesperson Shen Danyang said at a press conference held on March 17 that the Ministry of Commerce will speed up the implementation of the requirements set out in the government work report, refer to international rules, and take effective measures to support powerful enterprises. Enterprises set up “overseas warehouses” to further create new highlights in foreign trade development and new drivers of economic growth.

The so-called “overseas warehouse” model means that cross-border e-commerce companies export goods in batches to overseas warehouses in accordance with general trade methods. After the e-commerce platform completes the sales, the goods are delivered to overseas consumers.

Shen Danyang said that this is an innovative business model that supports enterprises in building a number of “overseas warehouses” for export products. It is not only an innovation in the foreign trade business model that promotes the development of cross-border e-commerce, but also achieves stable growth and optimization and upgrading of foreign trade. an important deployment.

It is understood that from the perspective of time cost alone, with the help of “overseas warehouses”, the freight time has been shortened from about 20 days to 3 to 5 days. This is almost the same as the time required for domestic online shopping.

With the launch of the “Internet + Circulation” Action Plan of the Ministry of Commerce in May 2015, many cross-border e-commerce and export companies such as, Youkeshu, FocalPrice, etc. have already passed the construction of “overseas warehouses” Lay out overseas logistics system., which has established overseas warehouses in Russia, Ukraine, India and other countries, recently announced that the new cross-border e-commerce model online trade pavilion jointly created by its partner Internet Trade Association will be opened in five pavilions around the world. While the new word “overseas warehouse” in this year’s government work report has caused heated discussions, the Online Trade Center has already found a way to implement overseas warehouses from the previous exhibition hall to the overseas warehouse, and has gone to overseas warehouses with the support of big data and localization. next stop. Feng Jianfeng said that the “warehouse” behind it fully possesses all the relevant functions of overseas warehouses, while the exhibition hall in front of it builds a comprehensive localization bridge for Chinese export companies.

Judging from industry insiders’ interpretation of this year’s government work report, overseas warehouses under “Internet +” must not only have the traditional functions of collection and shipping, but also need to ensure transaction security and trust. Payment collection, unpacking and assembly to solve bulk shipments, bonding to improve product competitiveness, and third-party logistics integration capabilities to improve logistics satisfaction.

Not only are cross-border e-commerce companies “testing the waters” with overseas warehouses, but in the eastern coastal provinces where cross-border e-commerce development is relatively mature, their local governments are also actively helping foreign trade companies build overseas warehouses. According to the “Three-Year Action Plan for the Development of Cross-Border E-Commerce in Zhejiang Province” released in early 2015, Zhejiang Province will actively support powerful companies to set up overseas warehouses in major cross-border e-commerce export markets such as the United States, Russia, and the United Kingdom. By 2017, 60 public overseas warehouses covering major exporting countries around the world will be built.

This year’s government work report clearly supports enterprises in building “overseas warehouses”, which means that the construction speed of “overseas warehouses” will be further accelerated. Shen Danyang said that the Ministry of Commerce will start from the following five measures to promote the construction of cross-border e-commerce “overseas warehouses”: first, to further improve customs clearance efficiency; second, to reduce logistics costs; third, to shorten marketing links; fourth, to improve distribution efficiency. ; Fifth, we must help enterprises better integrate into the overseas circulation system.

Feng Jianfeng also predicted the trend of cross-border e-commerce in next year’s government work report, “comprehensively build a new comprehensive overseas warehouse, optimize the export supply chain, enhance export competitiveness, improve brand and pricing power, and improve channel discourse. Right.” Overseas warehouses are gradually coming to the forefront and may become the focus of foreign trade this year



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