By the end of 2016, all printing and dyeing enterprises that seriously pollute the water environment will be banned.

By the end of 2016, all printing and dyeing enterprises that seriously pollute the water environment will be banned.

近日国务院印发水污染防治行动计划(即水十条),共分为10大项36条细则,其中排在第一位的即为全面控制污染物排放。   “水十条”提出,在2016年底前,全部取缔不符合国家产业政策的小型造纸、制革、印染、染料、农药等严重污染水环境的生产项目。另外,专项整治十大重点行业,对印染、制革和农药等领域制定专项治理方案,2017年底前印染行业实施低排水染整工艺改造,制革…

Lightweight multifunctional composite materials

Lightweight multifunctional composite materials

20世纪70年代后,国外普遍重视保温材料的生产和在建筑中的应用,力求大幅度减少能源的消耗量,从而减少环境污染和温室效应� The foreign thermal insulation materials industry has a long history, and thermal insulation materials for building ene…

aloe fiber

aloe fiber


Challenges of mass production of wearable devices

Challenges of mass production of wearable devices

越来越多运动员使用崁入式感应器及生物检测工具的服装来测量他们的运动表现。不过,儘管成衣产业为了因应大众市场而採用、製造具感应及检测工具的成衣,但是所遭遇的大挑战就是成衣耐洗度。 Martin Ashby, chief operating officer of smart clothing technology at Smartlife, said at th…

9 dyeing and finishing factories were found to have excessive amounts of aniline

9 dyeing and finishing factories were found to have excessive amounts of aniline

Information Times (Reporter Xiong Jiayan) Yesterday, the Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau announced the results of the city’s first quarter pollution source supervisory mo…



“Aniline”</p Aniline is one of the important intermediates in the dye industry. In the dye industry, it can be used to manufacture acid ink blue G, acid medium BS, a…

Full analysis of bamboo fiber, bamboo pulp fiber, bamboo fiber, bamboo pulp viscose fiber

Full analysis of bamboo fiber, bamboo pulp fiber, bamboo fiber, bamboo pulp viscose fiber

近年来,关于竹纤维及其产品的研究和报道越来越多。但是,不同文献对竹纤维、竹原纤维及竹浆纤维的命名规则原理错误,命名方法不合逻辑,导致竹纤维的名称混淆不清。在纺织品的纤维成分标注中,“竹”字大行其道,竹纤维、竹浆纤维、竹子纤维、竹浆粘胶纤维纠缠不清。 </p 其中常见的错误就是将竹浆粕粘胶纤维称为“竹纤维”� In the commercializati…

Do denim shirts have to be marked as washed products or original color products?

Do denim shirts have to be marked as washed products or original color products?

Question: Do denim shirts have to be marked as washed products or original color products? �</p Answer: Be sure to mark washed products or original color products �</p </p…

In the future, your clothes will be your power bank

In the future, your clothes will be your power bank

经常在为手机没电烦恼?嫌充电宝很重很麻烦?在未来,这一切都不再成为烦恼。将来有一天你可以直接用自己的衣服给手机等智能设备充电。下面就跟着小编一起来一探究竟吧!   摩擦电发电有广阔的应用前景,比如收集人们日常活动中产生的能量,给各种便携式电子设备供电。新来自韩国和澳大利亚的研究者称,未来将会出现一种质地柔软耐久的可充电衣服。它可以通过收集由人体活动所造成的静…

First bio-based polyurethane textile coating launched

First bio-based polyurethane textile coating launched

拜耳材料科技正陆续以Impranil®生态材料这一品牌名,推出一系列水性生物基聚氨酯(PU)分散体� �这种材料的可再生成分含量高达65%,因此该系列产品可进一步降低二氧化碳排放量,从而再度改善水性PU材料的可持续性� Bayer MaterialScience demonstrated this at the European Coatings Exhib…
