Flax, ramie, jute…Classification and properties of linen

Flax, ramie, jute…Classification and properties of linen

Linen</p </p 亚麻起源于近东、地中海沿岸。亚麻纤维的透气性、无静电、耐高温、耐摩擦、耐污渍、以及防水快干等独特优点,有“天然纤维皇后”的美誉。亚麻从原材料的种植到成衣的废弃处理,非常低碳环保。此外,亚麻具有排湿散热、抑菌保健、养护皮肤的突出功效。 </p Ramie</p </p 俗称”中国草&#8221…

How to overcome dyeing wrinkles on polyester microfiber brushed fabrics

How to overcome dyeing wrinkles on polyester microfiber brushed fabrics

涤纶超细纤维磨毛织物染色时极易产生折皱(鸡爪印),尤其是大红、藏青和深灰等色泽一旦发生很难修复。这种织物的组成大多是75D72F(经向)×150D/228F(纬向),密度为144×93,门幅4000px。一般采用退浆→预定形→磨毛→染色→拉幅定形→成品检验染整工艺。 <br / 实践证明,形成折皱的因素颇多� For example, after th…

Global development of waterproof tarpaulin

Global development of waterproof tarpaulin

在国外,篷盖布的内涵已发生了变化� �为了提高篷盖布的强度及耐气候等性能,除了一些需要具有透气性的篷盖布及帆布外,一般都要经过涂层及层压工艺处理� �用合成纤维制作的纺织品经过涂层、层压处理后,各方面的性能都大大改善� At present, the awning fabrics used abroad, considering the economic e…

How to make a jacket waterproof, windproof, moisture-permeable and breathable

How to make a jacket waterproof, windproof, moisture-permeable and breathable

One is to use tightly woven pure cotton fabric. When the surface of the fabric is wet, the cotton fibers absorb water and swell, reducing the pores in the fabric and making it wate…

Single layer of graphene moved to textile fibers

Single layer of graphene moved to textile fibers

Researchers have successfully transferred single-layer graphene onto fibers commonly used in the textile industry. This transparent head-shaped material is expected to be used in e…

Things to note when choosing a jacket

Things to note when choosing a jacket

1、关注防水性能。防水性好的面料可以迅速将水排走,即水淋到布面上,能顺利的滚落,布面润湿越少越好。 2、关注压胶情况。冲锋衣一般都采用“PU防水涂层+接缝处背面压胶条”。好的PU涂层是不会漏水的,至于压胶条,主要是针对衣服的针脚和接缝处的PU涂层易破损、渗水的情况所做的专门压胶处理,杜绝漏水、渗水。所以选购时应注意这些地方的压胶情况。 3、透气性方面� Th…

A brief analysis of the experimental methods for testing the water permeability of fabrics

A brief analysis of the experimental methods for testing the water permeability of fabrics

1. Experimental Principle of Determination of Hydrostatic Pressure Resistance to Water Permeability of Fabrics<br / ​<br /   静水压测试是考核面料抗水性的常用方法� When using a hydrostatic pres…

Technology that uses a single layer of material to produce waterproof and breathable materials

Technology that uses a single layer of material to produce waterproof and breathable materials

一种利用单层材料即可产生防水透气材质的科技。它可能是自20世纪70年代第一款带有防水透气膜夹克问世以来,户外服装的重大发展。它将取代那些坚硬笨重的防风雪衣,以及支持拥有多重定制化特性——防水、隔离或者防风——的服装的传统层级系统,同时还能保证轻薄。 近日科学家们发明了一种新的方式处理滑雪者在摔倒在滑雪斜坡事面临的寒冷和潮湿。那就是一种更轻便、更柔软和更舒适的…

Waterproof performance testing standards and methods

Waterproof performance testing standards and methods

1. Waterproof performance test standards</p Textile waterproof performance testing is also called water resistance testing, which is mainly divided into water penetration resist…

down cheongsam

down cheongsam

传统的羽绒服,一般有一个羽绒的填充过程,制作起来特别麻烦。而地处柯桥创意基地的某纺织品却通过设计创意,把羽绒絮片和面料缝合在一起。在日前举行的春季纺博会上,这一创意引起了全国各地多家服装企业的关注,不少服装企业还当场下了订单。 <br / At the Keqiao Textile Expo held not long ago, the textile…
