Reasons for other hues to appear during dyeing

Reasons for other hues to appear during dyeing

染色加工时,必须再现与上次相同的染色色相。由于加工时的季节性要素等,有时会引起水质以及气温等方面的差异,造成染色重现性的低下。 <br / 外界条件不安定时,选择使用不易受气温条件影响的温度依赖性小的染料,并且建议使用能缓解水质变化的助剂(金属螯合剂)。 </p 在染色时所使用的染料一般与上次染色所使用的属批不同,请注意染料批间的浓度差异。 &l…

Why does fabric shrink?

Why does fabric shrink?

Shrinkage is a phenomenon in which the length or width of textiles changes after washing, dehydration, drying and other processes in a certain state. The degree of shrinkage involv…

“High IQ” clothing

“High IQ” clothing

Scientists and engineers from the British company Tactile Navigation Tool invented a sensor vest that can sense objects and people around it. The vest uses a variety of high-tech s…

Latex pillow is breathable, antibacterial and anti-mite

Latex pillow is breathable, antibacterial and anti-mite

据医学报告指出,枕头、被褥、床褥是细菌和尘螨滋生的温床,而枕头用上三年便含有10%的霉菌、螨虫粪便和遍布累累的螨虫尸骸� According to medical data, 12% to 16% of people have allergies, and 25% of these patients are allergic to dust in the h…

What is “contact coolness”?

What is “contact coolness”?

又到了夏季。您有没有过这样的体验:一觉醒来,身下滚烫滚烫,浑身大汗淋漓……现在,这个问题已经由纤维科技基本解决了。市场上已经有了“接触凉感”型卧垫,有凉爽、不粘身的特点,可让您更舒适地度夏。 什么是“接触凉感”?在炎炎夏日,皮肤接触到的纤维制品不觉得热就已经很好,怎么会有“凉感”?这取决于纤维的特性。 The “Japan Chemical Fi…

Ice-like fiber

Ice-like fiber

从原理上看,冰感纤维具有与天然纤维几乎同等的吸湿率,可吸收身体所排放的汗气,减少穿着时“闷”的不适感。同时,纤维能够快速释放吸收的水气,几乎是吸多少水就能排放多少水,在排放水气的同时,还能够带走热量,让皮肤感到凉爽,而这种凉爽的效果是永久性的。冰感纤维结合了天然纤维与化纤的优点,并且还可以增加抗紫外线、抗菌防臭等功能,是高科技产品。 冰感纤维利用萃取和纳米技…

The cooperation between Xiaomi and Li Ning has been hailed as whether “Cinderella” can be transformed with the help of “Prince”

The cooperation between Xiaomi and Li Ning has been hailed as whether “Cinderella” can be transformed with the help of “Prince”

近日,李宁公司宣布与小米生态链企业、小米手环缔造者华米科技达成战略协议,共同研发新一代智能跑鞋,共同探索大数据健康领域。李宁希望借此来解决目前遇到的转型危机,探索智能鞋的市场空间,而小米无疑是在补墙自身的生态圈。目前,新消息称,该产品还处于测试阶段,预计第三季度的7、8月份上市。   李宁公司公布了与小米合作的消息,宣布与华米科技进行战略合作,打造智能跑鞋,…

Use bulletproof materials to make high-heeled shoes that do not hurt your feet. The heels bear 50% of the weight

Use bulletproof materials to make high-heeled shoes that do not hurt your feet. The heels bear 50% of the weight

高跟鞋是人类一项伟大的发明,既增加了身高,又让女士们走起路来袅袅婷婷,保持一副优雅迷人的姿态。然然,穿高跟鞋非常受罪,有些女性甚至因此承受脚部的伤痛。现在好了,近期美国一位火箭科学家、宇航员和整形外科医生对高跟鞋进行了改造,打造出不累人也不伤脚的高跟鞋,这让喜欢穿高跟鞋的女人顿时轻松起来。 learned from a recent rep…

Why is cotton cellulose resistant to alkali but not acid?

Why is cotton cellulose resistant to alkali but not acid?

The chemical structure of cotton cellulose macromolecules is composed of β-D glucose residues linked to each other by 1,4 glycoside bonds. The two terminal glucose residues of the …

Dekenano, the pioneer of green textiles!

Dekenano, the pioneer of green textiles!

德科纳米(dekenano)是公司的品牌� �像海澜之家、阳光集团、雅戈尔等这些知名服装品牌都是我们的客户之一� Following the poison scandal in the sportswear provided to players at the 2014 Brazil World Cup (mainly due to fluoride res…
