How to remove silicon plaque

How to remove silicon plaque

The visual manifestation of silicon spots on the surface of clothing is the appearance of oil spots as small as a pin tip or as large as a rice grain. Under extreme conditions, the…

The textile myth that 1+1 is greater than 2

The textile myth that 1+1 is greater than 2

Invista, which has innovative genes, has specially developed the dualFX technology of the LYCRA brand based on the patented technology of dual-core yarn and bi-component yarn in or…

High performance long glass fiber yarn

High performance long glass fiber yarn

日前,国际复合材料公司、重庆大学、重庆理工大学采用产学研用合作模式,联合攻克重庆市2014年度重大技术攻关项目——“高性能长玻璃纤维及其热塑性复合材料”。   据悉,国际复合公司会同两所大学,采用先进池窑、拉丝、烘干等装备技术以及独特的浸润剂配方体系,成功研发了具有国际先进水平的长玻璃纤维纱4305N。该产品工艺性优良,具有优异的耐磨、耐折性,毛纱等性能指标…

Technology changes life and clothing becomes smart

Technology changes life and clothing becomes smart

与许多作为附加性配件的可穿戴设备相比,智能服装的负担感更低。且服装产业原本就有非常庞大的用户群体,从既有服装品牌或运动品牌中延伸出一个细分品类非常容易。   科技改变生活,智能手环、智能手表等可穿戴设备如今已成为潮人们的必备单品,但您听说过智能服装吗?   近日,国际著名的信息技术研究和顾问公司Gartner发布报告称,2014年,全球健康可穿戴设备的出货量…

How to deal with defects on the finished fabric surface

How to deal with defects on the finished fabric surface

1. How to deal with lint caused by poor cotton yarn blending and inadequate pre-dyeing treatment</p </p a. 半制品可轻微的可重做前处理,严重的要轻掸毛后再做丝光。 </p b. 成品布要剥色后,再掸毛、丝光、套色。 </p c. …

Flame retardant finishing of linen

Flame retardant finishing of linen

随着纺织品应用的推广,由纺织品引起的火灾不断增加� �提高纺织品的阻燃性,对确保安全,减少不必要的火灾事故,起着重大的作用� Most textile fibers will decompose below 300 degrees Celsius. After flame-retardant finishing, it does not mean that …

Functional textile finishing auxiliaries

Functional textile finishing auxiliaries

广泛应用于箱包布、雨伞布、防寒服、运动休闲服饰、西装、制服、学生服、劳动保护服、户外防护用品、产业用布、领带、鞋帽、袜子、公仔及家纺面料等。 </p Safety and Environment-friendly: Fabrics treated with Deco Nano are environmentally friendly and safe,…

Nankai University designs “light-sensitive color-changing T-shirt”

Nankai University designs “light-sensitive color-changing T-shirt”

  高科创办的“彩石”取自神话故事“女娲补天”,这名大四学生因与创业团队设计印制“光感变色T恤”等文化创意产品而受到关注� On April 13, Liu Yandong, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Vice Premier of the State Co…

Taiwanese functional textiles enter European and American outdoor leisure markets

Taiwanese functional textiles enter European and American outdoor leisure markets

随着户外及运动休闲生活的兴起,具有各项特殊功能的纺织品受重视程度及需求也愈来愈高。凭借石化产业的基础,以及人造纤维原料品质优良且持续不断的创新,台湾纺织业已朝纺织品功能性及科技化方向发展,并成为全球功能性纺织品生产重地,备受国际品牌瞩目与重视。   根据日本化纤协会统计,2013年台湾人造纤维产量居全球第三,仅次于中国大陆及印度。台湾凭借丰富的量产经验、完整…

Functional outdoor clothing

Functional outdoor clothing

Since the advent of functional clothing, concepts such as massage clothing, antibacterial clothing, sweat-absorbent shirts, moisture-wicking clothing, shark-proof swimsuits, reflec…
