Google enters textile industry

Google enters textile industry

在全球可穿戴设备的浪潮下,智能服装作为细分切入点,连谷歌都进军纺织业智能服装了。谷歌在年度大会上正式发布了“缇花计划”;是与知名服装品牌李维斯一起研发的具有触碰遥控功能的服饰。 The “Jacquard Project” is to “weave” electronic components into con…

air conditioning clothes

air conditioning clothes

炎热的夏日和严寒的冬日,大家都眷恋室内舒适的温度。针对这种现象,加州大学圣地亚哥分校的一个工程项目做了相关研究。即穿上这种智能服装能够降低建筑和住宅的供暖和空调费用。   ATTACH(自主冷却和加热的自适应纺织技术)是此项目的名称,是在加州大学圣地亚哥分校纳米工程专业特聘教授约瑟夫王领导下进行的。   通过调节一个人附近,而不是整间房子的温度,智能服装至少…

Application research on waterproof and oil-proof agents

Application research on waterproof and oil-proof agents

Application research on waterproof and oil-proof agents</p Deco Nano Business Unit, 510663</p –Editor: Xie Fang ()</p </p Abstract: This article introduces the ba…

Applicability of new fluorine-free waterproofing agent in 2015

Applicability of new fluorine-free waterproofing agent in 2015

适用范围:涤纶、尼龙、涤棉、纯棉织物,工装面料,户外用品,鞋材,鞋材面料,织带,户外帐篷布,户外冲锋衣等。 </p 什么是氟化物?氟化物对人体有什么伤害吗? Fluoride is PFOA, PFOS, etc. contained in the product, and fluorine-free waterproofing agents abso…

A shoe with a smiley face representing happiness and a heart representing love

A shoe with a smiley face representing happiness and a heart representing love

一款能够显示穿着者心情的概念运动鞋。笑脸代表开心,爱心代表喜欢,比起现阶段那些以感知和记录数据为主的智能设备,这双运动鞋多了一个与外界互动的功能。   联想在运动鞋侧边鞋面上装了具有亮灯效果的纤维材料,通过小光斑的排列组合实现图案成像。联想集团CEO杨元庆在联想科技创新大会上就穿着这双智能鞋,像大家展示了笑脸和爱心两种心情图案。   “我女儿爱在朋友圈晒心情…

Low-temperature six-carbon waterproofing agent Texnology®FCB060

Low-temperature six-carbon waterproofing agent Texnology®FCB060

关于碳六的发展趋势� �2015年,是由碳八转型至碳六年,众所周知,碳八的防水效果普遍是优于碳六的� Just after the “Toxic Gate” (fluorine compounds contained in clothing, such as PFOA, PFOS, etc.) incident occurred at…

Deco nano functional finishing agent

Deco nano functional finishing agent

广泛应用于箱包布、雨伞布、防寒服、运动休闲服饰、西装、制服、学生服、劳动保护服、户外防护用品、产业用布、领带、鞋帽、袜子、公仔及家纺面料等。 </p Safety and Environment-friendly: Fabrics treated with Deco Nano are environmentally friendly and safe,…

Textiles with NPEO content exceeding 0.01% are prohibited from sale in the EU market

Textiles with NPEO content exceeding 0.01% are prohibited from sale in the EU market

近日,欧盟委员会起草一项REACH法规修正案,拟禁止壬基酚聚氧乙烯醚(NPEO)含量超过0.01%的纺织品在欧盟市场上销售,该草案预计在今年实施,过渡期为60个月。   NPEO目前被广泛用于各种行业的清洁剂,乳化剂和表面活性剂。在一些非欧盟国家,NPEO在纺织工业领域被用作洗涤过程中的洗涤剂和染色过程中染色助剂。研究表明,NPEO对哺乳动物和水生生物存在毒…

Analysis and solutions to the causes of stains in acrylic dyeing

Analysis and solutions to the causes of stains in acrylic dyeing

Reason for color flowers:</p 1. Improper dye selection</p 染腈纶与染其他纤维不同,如果染料选择不当,即使通过多加入匀染剂或者改善染色条件也很难达到匀染的效果。因此选阳离子染料应选配伍值相同的染料,配方中染料的配伍值差异要小于0.5。 </p 2. Leveling agent sel…

See how Pathfinder and Handu Yishe perfectly interpret “us”?  ?

See how Pathfinder and Handu Yishe perfectly interpret “us”? ?

Offline brands and Internet brands are strong Together, with the handshake of creative masters and innovation masters, new business models suddenly become the focus of anticipation…
