Corn fiber – “environmental recycling material of the 21st century”

Corn fiber – “environmental recycling material of the 21st century”

玉米纤维是以玉米、小麦等淀粉为原料,经发酵转化成乳酸再经聚合,纺丝而制成的合成纤维。 此纤维具有玉米纤维轻柔滑顺,强度大,吸湿透气,加工的产品有丝绸般的光泽及舒适的肌肤触感和手感,悬垂性佳,良好的耐热性及抗紫外线功能,服用性能好。 </p Raw materials of corn fiber</p PLA纤维是以淀粉制得之乳酸为原料,属于完成自…

Complete collection of fabric water permeability and waterproof performance tests

Complete collection of fabric water permeability and waterproof performance tests

织物的透水性能称做透水性� �与之相反的性能称为防水性或抗渗透性� �织物容易被水沾湿的特性,主要与织物表面性能有关,因此,可以称之为表面抗湿性� �织物由于各自的用途不同,所以,其表面抗湿性能要求也不同� �用做雨衣、帐篷、船帆等织物需要有良好的防水性能,而过滤性用途的织物则需要有良好的透水性能� �一些户外用途的成衣,如风雨衣等,也对防水性有一定的要求�…

4 major misunderstandings about the selection and application of printing and dyeing auxiliaries

4 major misunderstandings about the selection and application of printing and dyeing auxiliaries

在与纺织印染企业长期的接触交流中,我们发现多数企业对助剂的选用存在许多误区,主要有以下四个方面。 </p One ​​of the misunderstandings: Paying attention to solid content Ignore physical and chemical analysis</p 建议:许多助剂使用者,非常重…

Anti-dust window screen

Anti-dust window screen

在雾霾天里可以放心开窗户。今天,一款不用电源、安装方便、微尘阻隔率高的防微尘窗纱,在我国130个城市同步发售。   据了解,这是一款来自德国的产品。Trittec的(中国)总经理吴先生介绍,Trittec防微尘窗纱是《在居住环境下由静电支持的花粉和微尘降低》科研项目的新成果,该项目由德国经济部出资。发明者克鲁格先生是科研组核心成员。曾主持研发了保时捷和奥迪汽…

Conductive ink makes smart clothing

Conductive ink makes smart clothing

现在,来自东京大学的研究人员开发了一种全新的印刷技术,通过一种导电油墨,其能够将衣服及任何纺织品转变为柔性可穿戴设备或者传感器。即便将材料对折3次,其还是拥有极高的导电性能。他们相信,这种材料可以被广泛应用于运动服装以及内衣的传感器上,为人们带来更加舒适的可穿戴设备。   油墨包含了片状银粉、有机溶剂、氟橡胶以及氟表面活性剂,可以用在Voltera V-On…

UV protection cotton fiber processing technology

UV protection cotton fiber processing technology

武汉纺织大学纺材实验室研究开发出一种具有永久抗紫外线功能的棉纤维,日前已获国家技术专利,并将用于织物生产,有望实现衣物的永久性防紫外线。 According to reports, this new technology effectively overcomes the shortcomings of traditional UV protective c…

Development of waterproof coating technology

Development of waterproof coating technology

Development of waterproof coating technology</p Waterproof coating processing is an important processing method in textile finishing. The future development direction of waterpr…

In-depth analysis of waterproof coating glue

In-depth analysis of waterproof coating glue

In-depth analysis of waterproof coating glue</p There are many ways to classify waterproof coating glue. The main categories according to chemical structure are: </p 1. Polya…

What is the main use of waterproof and breathable functional fabrics?

What is the main use of waterproof and breathable functional fabrics?

Waterproof and breathable functional fabrics are mainly divided into two categories: clothing made of outdoor sports functional fabrics and clothing made of outdoor leisure functio…

Development of textile antibacterial agents

Development of textile antibacterial agents

Textile antibacterial? Generally speaking, in order to more accurately reflect its function, people are accustomed to calling it antibacterial (deodorant) finishing agent or antiba…
